Thursday, 02 March 2017 10:22 AM
Do not go here. I regret it but I'm already a junior so I'll stick it out. The majority of the students are handicap in some way and the professors cater to them. All the handicap students have straight As. I know it sounds ableist but aren't colleges supposed to be intellectually stimulating and fun? Not here, I recommended you reach higher and apply elsewhere. I'm counting down to leave...
Friday, 09 January 2015 02:08 PM
I hate this college. The women are not intellectually stimulating. It is boring they all are the same. Lesibian, gym short wearing, and uninteresting! Wish I went to a diverse co-ed college some place else.
Wednesday, 02 April 2014 11:40 AM
Always temped to have sex on one of the trees here. Wonder if campus police would give us that 50$ fine for touching them or naw?
Tuesday, 11 February 2014 01:12 PM
My boyfriend and I have seduced the 3 hottest chicks from this all girls school. They went both ways!! Epic win.
Tuesday, 11 February 2014 01:09 PM
I go to school with a bunch of lame stuck up bitches. One night security came to my door because of underaged drinking (im 23). Keep hatin'.... someone has to party around here!!
Wednesday, 05 February 2014 12:45 AM
My old roommate and I had sex but still don't talk to each other in person.