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1.  MontanaState  -  26606
2.  Purdue  -  26357
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4.  UWEC  -  21984
5.  UNCO  -  20358
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UWM Stats

Total Confessions: 9
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
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Friday, 13 June 2014 07:35 PM

Hooked up with a girl that had a boyfriend last night #thesehoesain'tloyal
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 12:30 PM

Didn't have time to shave before work last night. slept over at his house afterwards, and he ate me out anyways.
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Saturday, 08 February 2014 02:32 PM

I drugged my roomate with melatonin mixed in a shot so she would go to sleep and my friends and I wouldn't have to hang out with her. It worked.
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Tuesday, 09 July 2013 01:18 PM

I went to a preview day at UWM this past spring and met a really hot dorky guy and I plan on joining the Quidditch team just to make sure I see him again.
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Wednesday, 27 February 2013 03:32 PM

"One drunken night two friends and I decided to flip a car on Cramer Street. Why? Because that's the risk you take when you buy a fucking Smart Car."
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Wednesday, 27 February 2013 03:30 PM

"Friday night some friends and i were driving when one of them says "dude i think i'm gonna shit my pants" after running several red lights we found a gas station. He sprinted in the door, pushed people out of the way and after 15 minutes he final came back out. He didn't quite make it to the bathroom. He had to ditch his boxers and in his words "got a little poo on his jeans". I made him hang his ass out the window for the rest of the car ride. Needless to say, we will not be returning to white castle."
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Wednesday, 27 February 2013 03:30 PM

"I smoked hella Js inside Downer Woods last year... then i would hit up klotsche and ball"
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Wednesday, 27 February 2013 03:30 PM

"I don't go to UWM, or college for that matter. Sometimes I sneak in classes with my girlfriend and act like I know what they are talking about. It's one of my hobbies actually."
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UWM Stats

Total Confessions: 9
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 0

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