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Wednesday, 04 December 2013 09:55 AM

#2550 I really kind of jealous that the maintenance crew can just park anywhere on campus. Well shit I'm just gonna park right in front of willis one day and just happily walk to my truck and go to my next class.
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Wednesday, 04 December 2013 09:09 AM

#2533 I used to be fat, now I am decently healthy. Let me say this: I am not for fat shaming but I am also so much happier than I was when I was considered obese. I just find it incredibly hard to believe the people that say that they are happy with their bodies when they are severely overweight. Not even from an aesthetic point of view; I function better when I am not weighed down by fat. I think girls should stop glamorizing being "curvy", curvy means hourglass figure and girls who claim to be "curvy" are more like apples. So if you are proud of who you are and how you look good for you, but it is awesome being somewhat healthy, you should give it a try sometime.
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Wednesday, 04 December 2013 06:29 AM

#2549 To the cute Hispanic girl at Fuzzys Tacos in Lewisville who was sweeping, wearing a purple shirt, and dancing on Tuesday night. I seriously was going to ask what you were listening to and my friend told me I should get your number. She was just a friend but I thought you would think I was a weirdo. Hopefully you are there again next Tuesday
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Wednesday, 04 December 2013 06:23 AM

#2548 My friend is in the Air Force and lives in Alaska. He is engaged to a girl who lives here in Texas. I saw his fiancée on Tinder and it said she was active today.. I don't know if I should tell him. Also all of her pictures on Tinder are of herself.
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Wednesday, 04 December 2013 03:59 AM

#2547 All I see is people complaining about the spelling, if you so concerned about it can you please teach me how to roll this status up and shove it up your ass... :) haha... people be so quick to judge and they don't even know what others be struggling to.get to this point... CM MFCKars
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Wednesday, 04 December 2013 03:32 AM

#2546 Okay, so I'm a very nice, very chill guy who hangs out at different random bars just perhaps hoping to meet that very doen to earth guy who would love to give you all.of the love i have to give.
Vrry good looking amd have a good ssized tool sorry of im beong so forward now
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Wednesday, 04 December 2013 03:32 AM

#2545 Unt confessions do you with posting all this confessions? If you do I can help.yiu with that, because you take for ever...
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Wednesday, 04 December 2013 03:24 AM

#2544 Can I tell you guys something? Well here it is I don't give a fuck if you guys criticize me because the way I spelled something, or if I'm wearing thights, or if I'm fat. Fuck what y'all think, I could care less if y'all have something to say I tag my fucking self to this confession to show y'all that I dgaf.. ;)
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UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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