Thursday, 05 December 2013 04:02 PM
#2583 So there is a guy who isn't at UNT right now but he is coming back next semester. He is seriously such a great guy most of the time, he is smart and adorable, and I really like him. But, he joined a stupid fraternity and became an insolent, arrogant douche. Since he has been away he seems to have really matured. I know he likes me but I have never really told him how I feel. I think that if he comes back and reverts back to what he was doing I am done, but I really do not want him being like he was last year. Please help with some advice/ suggestions as to what am I supposed to do.
Thursday, 05 December 2013 03:58 PM
#2582 So just so I know I'm not crazy: a dude tells you, in the span of one year, that he likes you, then he doesn't, then he does, and then he doesn't. He's known to be flaky over other things too. Not someone you should go for right?
Thursday, 05 December 2013 03:47 PM
#2581 To the girl in purple at chipotle today with your friend that was in line behind three of us guys. I was the one with a black jacket, khaki pants, and a camo hat. You were gorgeous, and I was going to come say hi, but my friends wanted to leave. If you by chance see this you should message me.
Thursday, 05 December 2013 03:20 PM
#2580 We've been together for years. I'm pretty sure she doesn't love me anymore.
Thursday, 05 December 2013 03:00 PM
#2579 How hard is it to find a good genuine girl who is into a mature male who is more concerned about his future than getting drunk all the time? I do enjoy getting drinks and having a good time, but it seems like every girl is into just that and not looking towards the future when it comes to guys.
Thursday, 05 December 2013 01:29 PM
#2578 When I arrive at UNT in January, I'm going to come in like a wrecking ball! I'll be that one girl you will most likely see naked at least once ;)
Thursday, 05 December 2013 01:04 AM
#2577 I'm only 20 and recently I hooked up with a guy that's 24 and it was hands down the best sex of my life, the messed up part is that it seems like he has an amazing life in every aspect and I really wna see where this can go but don't know what my friends will think
Wednesday, 04 December 2013 11:16 PM
#2576 Any single ladies wanna go on a date?