Tuesday, 10 December 2013 06:21 PM
#2694 My roommate has been a bitch to me ever since I work her up one night with my loud fucking and now is just a bitch every time I see her. stop being jealous I'm getting laid.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 06:07 PM
#2693 I want to join the fraternity that is known for sleeping with each other!!!! I don't remember the name of the fraternity though
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 05:34 PM
#2692 I swear there a lot of students like me, rather than studying I am spending way too much time refreshing pages to figure out if UNT will be open or not. This is ridiculous.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 05:30 PM
#2691 There is this guy I had a huge crush on since Freshman year. But we don't know each other and never had a reason to. He was the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I was a dumbass...instead of introducing myself early on, I would go online and stalk his Facebook and like him even more as I learned more about him. When he felt frustrated that girls didn't like him, I wanted to show badly how much what he said was a lie. Well I am an idiot and when I tried to talk to him on Facebook he blocked me. Naturally I stalk him online on and off for four years, even when I have shifted my attention to other people over the years. I feel bad for digitally stalking him and really hate it. I want to have a normal connection with this person. Now it is too late. I terrify him. But I've always kept my distance and have always avoided physically being around him for fear that he thinks I'm stalking him. It makes me sad that four years and we still haven't actually met. Maybe he's on my mind lately because I'm leaving UNT and I feel so much regret how much I butchered my chances to know a wonderful person.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 05:18 PM
#2690 Found out my girlfriend is a squirter... in my best friend's roommate's bed.
Hey, someone had to break in that bed!
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 05:00 PM
#2689 To the guy who drives the black Honda civic with the red sticker on the side. I park next to you everyday and you have beautiful eyes!
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 03:37 PM
#2688 I hate the fact that a lot (not all) women look for love and relationships with down to earth nice guys in their late 20s to early 30s, after getting all that partying and sex out their system. I will not be a woman's "second choice" or "rebound" after everything is all said and done.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 03:33 PM
#2687 Personally, coming from a woman, I think that a lot of women are kind of rude these days. I notice that when guys compliment women... women often act very rude, cold or shrug the guy off. When guys compliment me, I just take the compliment gracefully and keep it moving. If a guy says something rude to you, then you have a right to grill him. There is no need to act uppity and superior when a guy is being genuine and nice to you. When I was younger, my mother used to tell me this, "your personlity is your best asset, because when you get older, your appearence will fade." In other words, ladies, be a bit nicer when a guy approaches you. You may take men approaching you for granted today... but your looks could be gone tomorrow and those same men that approached you before will want nothing to do with you. That's all I have to say... feel free to attack me now :).