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Total Confessions: 14967
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Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:44 PM

#2904 I always tell Freshmen that Fry St. was named after Phillip J. Fry off Futurama
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Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:43 PM

#2903 Transferring from Texas State to UNT for Spring semester. Let the hunt for a new lady begin!!
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Saturday, 21 December 2013 09:48 PM

#2839 When I hook up with a girl for the first time I really don't talk to them much after. When I get with a girl for the first time, especially a girl who I've had my eye on for a while, I get a huge rush when it actually goes down. I've just learned what they look like naked, I learned what turns them on and whatnot, but after that I have no desire whatsoever to do it again. It's been like this for years and is the reason why I can't hold a relationship very long. I'm not an asshole by any means, I just don't find the same attraction to someone after the first time. Am I the only one like that?
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Saturday, 21 December 2013 08:56 PM

#2902 In six months I hope to be sworn in to be UNT's Student Body President.

And a badass one at that.
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Saturday, 21 December 2013 08:55 PM

#2901 I just want to take a moment and tell everyone how SEXY Jedon who always wears the SGA stuff is.... like you make the jungle fevah thirst REAL!


A dreamy eyed boy who wants to take you home.
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Saturday, 21 December 2013 08:01 PM

#2900 I really love my life at the moment I went from living with my mom being depressed. To having a job, paying my own rent, beautiful girlfriend and no depression. The only thing I hate and that keeps me up at night is my horrible job anyone know of any places hiring in denton. Been looking for a while just wanna see if you all know of any I have missed thanks in advance.
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Saturday, 21 December 2013 06:34 PM

#2899 There's a freshman [frat name] girl I tried talking to this past semester, but it all sorta/kinda failed on itself when she said she was talking to someone else. Now I realize I tend to fall flat on my face most of the time when it comes talking to members of the opposite sex, but if you're reading this, give me a shot? I mean, I'm a fairly nice dude, and you don't seem like the bitchy srat girl stereo type (not that I believe in stereo types, but in this case they do exist), not to mention you're gorgeous, nice (I'd hope), funny, smart, just as big a fan of college football as I am, and to top it all off you're one of the strongest human beings I know considering all you've gone through this past year. Idk if I would've made it through all of that AND a semester of college.
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Saturday, 21 December 2013 04:04 PM

#2898 According to douchebags from my old town, just because I'm choosing to stay faithful to my girlfriend by not going to get laid by some slut at a nightclub while my girlfriend stayed in DFW 2000 miles away from where I live, I'm a fucking pussy. Just because "oh go get laid brah! Your bitch totally won't find out brah!" Fuck Sanderson and all the degenerate pieces of shit that live there. Now I remember why I left. Looks like I'm coming back to Denton early.
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UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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