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Monday, 23 December 2013 11:42 AM

#2945 I have this girlfriend, and there is this guy who has been her friend since high school. I know he likes her and whenever she uploads a picture on Instagram, he is always the first one to like it, which I don't really care about. But this past weekend he went to her job and gave her those flowers in a glass vase with the excuse of "these were for my mom but she happen to leave work early, so I thought I'd give these to you." He knew I was dating her, and still did it. He is a cop, and technically I can't fight him. But I know in a heart beat I can win. What do I do?
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Monday, 23 December 2013 10:52 AM

#2944 For New Years I'm gonna have sex at midnight, not kiss.
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Monday, 23 December 2013 10:11 AM

#2943 I think that if you claim to like football, and go to North Texas... there should really be no reason for you not showing up to a bowl game in our own backyard. Yeah, sure we all know how apathetic student's have been in recent years. But what does it take to get you people interested? honestly? You're team started the season ranked #114 out of 126, to ending the season ranked #60. One of the best turnarounds we've ever had. Yet, STILL you sleep on this team. All i'm saying is, it would be pretty cool to see more enthusiasm at this school. North Texas could really go on to accomplish so much. But obviously we'll never get there with the apathy we have at Apogee.
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Monday, 23 December 2013 08:42 AM

#2942 I'm a girl and I kinda like porn but I had just never really gotten THAT into it. I would just try to use it to get off when I hadn't seen my boyfriend for a while or if I would wake up horny in the middle of the night, cuz my boyfriend was asleep and I knew he wouldn't answer my phone call cuz he keeps his phone on silent when he has work early in the morning. I don't know if I'm the only girl that wanted to watch porn but just couldn't get into dude in the porno and it mostly only showed woman. I wanted to see more dick, and more of a guy working his stuff on the girl. I feel like the porn I was always watching was made for guys. Well, just for fun I searched romantic porn, cuz for some dumb reason I always just searched porn or different places with the word porn after to see sex in different places and positions. But I searched romantic porn, damn that shit was good! That's the best orgasm I've had to watching porn. It reminded me a having sex with my boyfriend. I know what I'm going to search while watching porn! If any girl has felt the same, search romantic porn! It's awesome! Those dudes fuck those girls right!
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Monday, 23 December 2013 08:25 AM

#2941 So, i slept with my neighbor. And though i intend to never do it again sometimes i wish id let him eat me out. He did speak so highly of what he could do. Anyway, i consider him a good friend now.
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Monday, 23 December 2013 06:08 AM

#2940 Every time I go to Lucky lous on Fry street I see this majestic man with long hair, and a wonderful smile. Everyone seems so friendly towards him but I'm scared to talk to him, I asked my friend about him but we don't know if he's gay. I want to suck him off so bad.
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Monday, 23 December 2013 04:01 AM

#2939 I would love to date a guy outside of my race. Something about interracial couples just make me smile. I wouldnt mind participating, lol. #DownWithTheSwirl :)
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Monday, 23 December 2013 02:53 AM

#2938 I'm a tams student, but I've been fucking UNT girls this even legal
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