Sunday, 29 December 2013 06:42 PM
#2958 I'm not attracted to guys but I'm curious about how it would be to have a wild night with a butch lesbian would be like. Then again as a guy that may never happen.
Sunday, 29 December 2013 05:59 PM
#2957 I just saw Frozen. And I thought it would be cool to have Ice Powers
Sunday, 29 December 2013 03:41 PM
#2956 I dream of having a huge orgy with several regular UNT confessions commentators. Some of y'all are ugly as fuck but idgaf it's the orgy that counts! I'm serious about this too, who's up for it? Creator and admin, your attendance is mandatory.
Sunday, 29 December 2013 12:40 PM
#2955 I recently cheated on my boyfriend I didn't go all the way but we went pretty farI really feel like shit because I honest to god I love him to death but for some reason I slept and I never thought that I would be solo to do that in my life and its killing me inside I wish I could tell him but the moments is an opportune I really wish at the moment can hurry up and get here so I can tell him how shitty have a boyfriend he has sleeping XSI
Sunday, 29 December 2013 04:33 AM
#2954 Your: It fucking belongs to you (Your logic is flawed)
You're: You fucking are (You're retarded)
There: A fucking place (Go there)
Their: It fucking belongs to them (That's their car)
They're: They fucking are (They're idiots)
To: A fucking destination (Go to Hell)
Too: Fucking excessive/In fucking addition to something (It's too big/Can she join us, too?)
Two: The fucking number 2 (Two tits)
Some of you idiots need to know this. I am disappointed and ashamed that people at a fucking college level cannot grasp something so basic.
Sunday, 29 December 2013 12:52 AM
#2953 I'm 23 and have terrible, terrible, terrible luck with women. When I talk to women, they truly aren't interested in me. When my friends talk to women, they get the women talking and laughing, etc. Over the past few months, my friends asked me why I don't talk to women much anymore and I just tell them I'm too busy to talk to them. Unbeknownst to them, I don't talk to women much anymore, because, lately, when I go home, I watch porn 4-5 times a day, think about sex often and jerk off 4 or more times a day. So, when I see women around, I'm just not interested because I can just go home, watch porn and jerk off and feel sexually satisfied.
Saturday, 28 December 2013 11:55 PM
#2952 S/o to James who doesn't even go to UNT, but is the coolest motherfucker that lives in Kerr. God bless you.
Saturday, 28 December 2013 07:35 PM
#2951 In response to
People in my old hometown always hate on me for having certain nontraditional values, which do in fact include that homosexuals are human beings, that women deserve equal treatment as men (no exceptions, no bullshit), letting people believe whatever religion they want (or not believe), and that gender roles should not exist and people should just like and do whatever they want as long as others aren't hurt, among other things. The people that I was forced to be around before moving here call it faggotry and immoral but I call it progressing forward and opening our minds to new possibilities. It's been that way in my family starting with me and I plan to leave my children with whatever values they want to hold and not feel pressured to change all because of a few biggots trying to control society again. Well to all you biggoted uptight conservative hypocrites: I hate your horrendous values of forced abstinance, controlling women's choices with their body, insistance that alcohol and weed are evil, forcing religion (usually christianity) on others, oppression of homosexuals, and your insistance on saying tough shit to people who cannot afford healthcare, and a shit ton of other degenerate "values" you hold. You all talk about saving the world, yet all you do is sit around cocking your guns and saying that god hates fags. You are all the reason america has become a piece of shit that cannot progress forward and you should do us people with a positive vision of the future a favor and either adapt or move out to some deserted country road in the middle of nowhere to die off alone and take all of your close-minded laughable beliefs with you straight to the grave. Coming here and getting away from my small minded hick town was the best choice of my life.