Thursday, 02 January 2014 08:23 PM
#2991 My ex thinks my "I miss you" "can't live without you" statuses are about them but they are really about Taco bell.
Thursday, 02 January 2014 02:15 AM
#2990 I told everyone in my circle that I wasn't a virgin.
I am a virgin, and everyone believes I'm not. This went through like this for the whole semester. My lie has become my biggest lie. It's funny as fuck to say that the way guys look at each other, from non-virgin to virgins, is like oceans to sky.
Thursday, 02 January 2014 02:13 AM
#2989 Can people have sex for love please
Thursday, 02 January 2014 01:35 AM
#2988 UNT has the most beautiful women on campus.
Thursday, 02 January 2014 12:03 AM
#2987 At the START of winter break, I went out drinking with my boys and fell and had a BAD CONCUSSION
This happened on Fry St. and it was truly a scary and humbling experience, for those of you whom don't know a concussion is a BRAIN/HEAD injury. Honestly, before the experience i didn't know much about concussions. However, since i had apparently lost consciousness several times, it turns out it was a pretty severe concussion. This isn't so much a confession as it is an awareness post of the reality and truth about what happens when you "hit your head HARD".
For the first week or so, i could NOT walk. I had to teach myself how to walk. The physicians scheduled me for a checkup and with neuro and i had to take medication. I could not think straight and i can vaguely remember that i slept... A LOT. Days and hours go by when you have a brain injury and it's scary because these are normally hours you would spend doing things that you enjoy or are used to doing. To this day, I cannot even remember discussions or what i did(besides sleep) or ate for the first few days after my concussion.
I also suffered from what is known as PCS (Post Concussion Syndrome) which is generally characterized by extreme fatigue, aggression, irritability, mood swings, personality changes, and memory loss. It is a scary thought because i can attest to not being able to be "me" for at least over a week. The humbling thing about this is that after reading about it(after i had recovered) i deduced that almost ALL people who suffer from PCS suffer from this. In other words, if you were a relaxed, easy going guy before... you might become an angry, over the top, irritable person. It is highly UNLIKELY that the stories/experiences that others whom have suffered this was all "coincidence", so it presents the thought that PCS is real.
Due to the nature of how this injury affected myself, my friends, family, and someone whom i deeply cared about... I am seriously considering to start a concussion/head/neuro injury awareness seminar/club/whatever so that others may be aware of the scary ramifications that come with head injuries, as well as the REALness as most people seem to want to say "oh you're playing the concussion card" which could not be any more ignorant than it already sounds
Wednesday, 01 January 2014 09:30 PM
#2982 I'm deathly afraid of failing. I'd rather die than to live and be a failure. I'm scared of being someone who gets comfortable with life and dies forgettable... what a contradiction right? State of confusion.
Wednesday, 01 January 2014 09:24 PM
#2986 I don't know how to make friends. It's killing my college experience.
Wednesday, 01 January 2014 09:19 PM
#2985 I would like to make new friends. Particularly ones that have good home training and wouldn't leave you stranded at a party. Oh and ones that won't eat in the car while you have no money, you're starving and have to wait until you get home to eat. FML