Saturday, 04 January 2014 04:12 AM
#3007 Honestly when a woman rejects me because she has a boyfriend I don't really mind...but when she starts talkin some stuff like "he can satisfy me better than anybody" I just think to myself yo nigga ain't swinging what i'm swinging trust me.
Saturday, 04 January 2014 03:55 AM
#3006 I really like this guy, he is pretty much my best friend now and I'm so happy about that. We both met here at UNT and connected instantly after talking a short time. We texted/ talked for a little while and then we slept together. He caught me by surprise when he told me that we went too fast and we should focus on our friendship. We are doing that right now, but I must say that I miss him like crazy, especially now during winter break! I don't wanna lose him as a friend; I can't screw this up because he means too much to me now. My wish is for second semester to be better than the first; I pray that he comes to his senses and figures out that the girl he has been searching for is right in front of him, all he has to do is open his eyes...
Saturday, 04 January 2014 03:13 AM
#3005 I just want to finally have a good birthday where my day doesn't end with sad tears.
Saturday, 04 January 2014 02:31 AM
#3004 I live in West Hall, and there's this guy who acts like he's the shit all the time. Ryan, I hope you get herpes from one of the ugly girls who make up your entourage.
Saturday, 04 January 2014 02:29 AM
#3003 My boyfriend well now ex ruined the holidays along with the past few months. I'm happy were over, I just wonder what his response would be if he knew that I know a lot of the things he had been telling me were lies, but I chose to be there to try and help him some with life seeing he has 0 common sense. O well, good luck on life ass, btw I know you had sex with a man.
Saturday, 04 January 2014 02:22 AM
#3002 I get so annoyed and offended when people judge me for the scars I've got on my arms and chest. I understand that by posting this, I'll probably get comments from trolls, but I'm alright with that. We have all got a past, and we deal with things in different ways. Ridicule is never the correct action toward someone who has self-injured in the past. Personally, I would much rather you ask me about my scars than just making a spectacle of yourselves by staring and whispering with your friends. Yes, I self-injured, but at that time, it was the only thing that could make me feel like a human being, so don't belittle my suffering in order to makes jokes to your friends.
Saturday, 04 January 2014 02:15 AM
#3001 I was dating this guy with a huge cock but I'm sad because I graduated in fall and he is still a TAMS student. It's a rush to date someone who is bigger and smarter than anyone else I've met here. I just wish we could still be together, but the teacher's office where we used to fuck endlessly is now occupied by another teacher, one who NEVER leaves. Not to mention it isn't worth it to drive up to campus from Las Vegas (I dance here now) every week because tips are not that much. I just wish I could tell his parents how sorry I am for making him a father so soon. Should I tell him instead?
Saturday, 04 January 2014 01:35 AM
#3000 I now understand what people meant when they told me I could let go of you while still loving you. I didn't think it possible. The problem is that I have no choice but to love you, because otherwise I wouldn't be being true to myself; yet I have no choice but to let go, if at least for now, because there is nothing more that I can do. Mostly I've done well at this, though with your tentative reintroduction into my life as a friend, sometimes it still admittedly hurts, because I miss being with you but can't make it work right now. Nonetheless, I am trying to teach myself that I can still love you without caving in on myself, without undoing all of this year's work, without losing sight of who I am. Perhaps most importantly, though, I am learning to love myself, albeit gradually.