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Friday, 10 January 2014 10:07 PM

#3064 I fucked up. I broke up with my ex when I started college and didn't want long distance, but we still flirted and liked each other after it happened. We were each other's first loves. I kept telling her that I still loved her, and I do, but at the same time I started talking to another girl. I lied to my ex and told her there was no one else, basically stringing her along. Now I'm with this new girl, but my ex is all I can think about. Whenever I'm too drunk to function, she somehow stays on my mind. This new girl matches me better, she smokes and drinks with me; my ex never even touched alcohol. I know my ex was too good for me to constantly lie to and she deserves better than me, yet I still regret letting go of a perfect girl who loved me every day of my life. She won't even talk to me now and I'm pretty sure no one will ever be able to love me as much as she did again
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Friday, 10 January 2014 10:05 PM

#3063 When I daydream I make it into like a little story with plot which usually almost all the time includes sex at some point but in real life I'm a virgin. Most of my friends would never guess I daydream about that cause I don't seem like that type of person.
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Friday, 10 January 2014 09:49 PM

#3062 So I just got a 3DS on a whim and was wondering how many people walk around campus with their street pass on
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Friday, 10 January 2014 08:58 PM

#3061 1/10/14 8:56PM In all honesty, I do hope that Satan statue gets put up in Oklahoma. I would definitely road trip to go see it because I wanna say that I got to sit in Satan's lap like a kid during Christmas. I also hope the Pastafarians and Hindu groups get their monuments approved!
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Friday, 10 January 2014 08:22 PM

#3060 To an acquaintance of mine, I am sorry you have feelings for my ex and had sex with him thinking it would lead to a relationship. He is claiming he has no memory of it and that you took advantage of him. In reality he was taking advantage of you during what seems like one of the most difficult periods of your life. You deserve better.
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Friday, 10 January 2014 08:17 PM

#3059 I dated a guy for a few weeks and while it was great, it always felt like it was really one-sided. It took my friends' deaths for him to break up with me because he "wasn't looking for commitment." After the break up, I learned a lot about him and how he bails easily and how truly unimportant I was to him. What he doesn't know is that I slept with two guys and made out with like 5 guys the two weeks after in an effort to displace my sadness and emptiness. For the subsequent two months, we talked things through and were interested in trying again together, but he admitted again that he probably would've bailed out again. Now he's talking with his psychotic ex again and he feels completely irrelevant and insignificant to me. I don't feel angry or sad or jealous at all. I'm just happy to finally be over his immature ass.
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Friday, 10 January 2014 08:15 PM

#3058 As of the 20th of this month, I will have been in a long distance relationship with the girl of my dreams. Everything about us is perfect and we're basically like two best friends in love. But last year, she was raped and ended up getting pregnant. She decided she wanted to keep them even though that were concieved in this awful way, and I fully support her. She ended up giving birth earlier this month to twins, a boy and a girl. We both decided on names together, as even though we have only been together a year, we intend on staying together as long as we can. But no matter how much I love her, it sometimes scares me that because of these kids, we're gonna have to
Be sent into full on adulthood much earlier than we planned. This isn't a confession asking for help or what I should do, it's just something that I want to get off my chest and hopefully, some of that stress will be lifted from me. I love her to death and I'm really excited to go on this adventure with the girl I love.
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Friday, 10 January 2014 08:15 PM

#3057 Having fun isn't hard when you got a library card.
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