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Total Confessions: 14967
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Wednesday, 15 January 2014 01:38 AM

#3159 i cant stop cheating on my girl :-/
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Wednesday, 15 January 2014 01:32 AM

#3160 Confession: I have a slight mental addiction to licking pussy. I crave it and have more then once done it for girls with nothing in return. Not sure if it's a problem yet
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Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:17 AM

#3158 I stayed locked up playing Link Between Worlds for over a week and beat the entire hero mode too. Not nearly as challenging as Link to the Past but still loved it... Oh that's right, the semester started a few days ago... and I need to shower...
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Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:04 AM

#3157 I hate all the hipsters that plague this town. You all think you're better than everyone else yet all you do sit around and smoke weed, smell bad, talk shit about others, never shut the fuck up about your extremist liberal agendas, feel entitled when you've done nothing but take up space and waste oxygen, and brag about how you are so over mainstream shit and how all you like is underground where the conformists never look.
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Tuesday, 14 January 2014 11:52 PM

#3156 Denton needs a White Castle restaurant around here.
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Tuesday, 14 January 2014 11:49 PM

#3155 I'd probably bang Miley Cyrus if she KEPT THAT UNATTRACTIVE FUCKING TONGUE IN HER MOUTH and did something cool like just give a badass smile for once. Bitch looks like a damn Lickitung. This is even worse than one of those stupid duck faces that blonde bimbos love to make for selfies.
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Tuesday, 14 January 2014 11:40 PM

#3154 I just sucked a guy off in the A300 showers at Bruce... He told me that a bunch of the guys here do stuff like that all the time. I think I like living here.
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Tuesday, 14 January 2014 11:20 PM

#3153 Some Dave Chappelle wisdom for y'all: Just because a girl dresses in very short and skimpy clothes doesn't mean she's a ho. But ladies, that makes it very confusing! It's like if Chappelle the comedian was dressed in a police uniform and someone came up to him to report a theft and he says "oh just because I dress this way doesn't mean I'm a cop!" Fair enough, you are not a ho, but you're wearing a ho's uniform! With that being said, don't dress like that then get mad at guys for hitting on you, making sexual comments or staring at your ass & titties.
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UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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