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Tuesday, 02 December 2014 01:59 PM

#5787 So I'm the kind of guy that goes to the gym with my head phones on, does my work out and keeps to myself. I'm in and out in an hour tops. That's always been my routine but it seems like every girl at the gym acts like I'm some sort of creep. if accidentally make eye contact with a girl or God forbid have to grab a weight anywhere near them they give me some dirtiest looks. What gives ladies, why so stand offish in the gym. Maybe I'd understand if I made some inappropriate comment or was distracting you from your workout but I'm not. Just because you're in a gym and have a vagina doesn't mean you're special. Get over yourselves already.
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Tuesday, 02 December 2014 12:35 PM

#5786 Despite all the hate we frat guys get, we run things regardless. We do more for this school and this community than anyone else on campus so all you haters need to stfu already.
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Tuesday, 02 December 2014 12:29 PM

#5767 I prefer to eat a girls ass out over her pussyv given that is clean. It didn't really taste like anything while pussy no matter what has a weird taste to me. I've been with several girls who were very hygienic and clean and its always just tasted off to me :/
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Tuesday, 02 December 2014 12:27 PM

#5768 Today is 12/02/2014. I woke up at 8:45a.m and I've already smoked an entire 8th of dank by 2:26 p.m no regrets
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Tuesday, 02 December 2014 12:25 PM

#5785 I just want to say to all these Christians who are posting confessions about their support for gay marriage; please shut up. Frankly we don't need your support and could care less what you think. I love how the very time of your posts sound like you're kind enough to give us permission to do what we want and that we should be grateful for you letting us live our lives. Here's the deal, you guys do not run the world. Your influence is diminishing and you don't get to join the progressive people table after centuries of hatred and oppression.
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Tuesday, 02 December 2014 11:57 AM

#5769 Kevin M. Remember me from last April? I'm pregnant. Comment below if you want me to message you.
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Tuesday, 02 December 2014 11:00 AM

#5771 I'm sleeping with 3 guys right now and they don't know about each other. I'm also have 8 other guys depend on what city I am to take care of me when I want. I am a terrible person.
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Tuesday, 02 December 2014 10:27 AM

#5784 Modern Conservatism- Similar to Classical Liberalism; keeping loyalty to the constitutional Bill of Rights. They believe in personal responsibility. They don't want the government to be heavily involve on the people's freedoms. The have faith on the people to do good on their own, but have laws or rules just to maintain order.

Modern Liberalism: They believe in the Bill of Rights, but wants the government to be more involved to the people as a positive enforcement.

Those definitions came from a college textbook for Urban Community course for sociology in a Liberal Arts college (College of New Rochelle) in NEW YORK.

MY point is that those words gets tossed around so many times from so many people (including Republicans and Democrats), they forget the true meaning of those words. To further back up my point is that I'm currently living in New York, and I'm a Texan (born and raised). The laws in TX are lenient but the punishment are harsh, and the NY laws are harsh but you get a slap on the wrist. Texans believes in a little hard work and exercising their rights, but being responsible for it at the same time (most of them anyway). In my opinion and no one else's, some New Yorkers wants was easy. Too many benefits are given from unemployment or social workers to those who really needs it, but there are a lot of people takes advantage from those benefits, and ended up refusing to work. The government gets too involve to the people of up here that they starting to lack common sense to learn from themselves...

So, ask yourselves this: are a conservative or a liberal? And any of you are intolerable of my opinions with actual experiences, then you're really are a bigot.
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