Friday, 16 May 2014 01:22 PM
If my boyfriend wanted me to eat his ass... I that weird? I mean.. As long as he gives me mine.. I give him his.
Thursday, 15 May 2014 07:53 PM
So I get kinda mad when I see people who don't go to TWU taking pictures there. You don't pay the damn fee to keep it pretty why should you get to enjoy it???? Gtfo
Thursday, 15 May 2014 05:50 PM
I want to know what's going on in Ukraine? It's so confusing.
Thursday, 15 May 2014 05:49 PM
I like motorboating other girl's breasts.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 11:32 PM
Are there any female rappers out there? Or any women that want to learn how? Even if you're not good at all, or have no idea. I've been dying to work with someone who can or teach someone who wants to learn! I feel like there's not enough legit female hip-hop artists out right now that are good, and don't over-exploit themselves. So if someone wants to learn or already raps, just leave a comment please :)
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 04:31 AM
One day I was walking into Guinn, there was a couple infront of me and a girl behind me when we got to the doors the guy held the door open for his gf and he noticed the door was about to close on me and the girl behind so he came back to hold it open for us and his gf in a angry tone said "YOU DONT HAVE TO HOLD THE DOOR FOR THEM" loud enough for us to hear clearly you're an insecure bitch
Sunday, 11 May 2014 09:50 PM
Carly Patterson graduated and went here...and NO ONE told me.
Sunday, 11 May 2014 07:35 PM
I like to blast shitty techno dance music and do the robot in my room when no one's around.