Tuesday, 29 October 2013 02:29 PM
When I read the confession about the person intentionally walking through couples holding hands, I just imagined what it would be like to clothesline the person. I actually look forward to it and plan on holding my gfs hand more often now.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013 01:23 PM
I'm sitting in front of the union studying after lunch today and I see a girl I believe to be an AOII pushing a girl in who I believe is her sorority sister in a wheelchair. I could tell it was heavy, she struggled a bit pushing it up the hill, carefully maneuvering it around every bump and crack in the sidewalk as she possibly could.
Fraternities/sororities are like this page, you can love it or you can hate it. Finding friends who will not only be there for you but are there to carry & push you through rough moments...everyone wants that. I want that.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013 12:13 AM
I just finished having really freaking amazing sex. And the first thing my boyfriend says(jokingly) is "You wanna go post about our sex life on twu confessions?"
Dear god. This page will be the death of my orgasms.
Monday, 28 October 2013 10:16 PM
Attention TWU student parents: PLEASE CONTROL YOUR CHILDREN!!!! It is incredibly rude and inconsiderate of you when your children run wild and scream in the school facilities while others are trying to work. I understand that you do not have a sitter or any other forms of childcare but it is possible to keep them from screaming their heads off and moving things in the facilities. Thank you.
Monday, 28 October 2013 09:24 PM
My boyfriend and I used to have sex on the Guinn 12th floor restroom. Good times were had.
Monday, 28 October 2013 08:46 PM
As much as we pay for the Meal Plan, you'd think that they would keep it clean in the Underground. At least keep the bugs out of there.
Monday, 28 October 2013 12:51 PM
Bring the BACON back in the underground!!!!!!
Monday, 28 October 2013 05:45 AM
I have this MAJOR feeling I'm going to fail my AP Lab class. Even with studying I feel like I'm a complete and total retard. I study, and study my ass off, but I'm stuck in this neverending paradox of feeling like an inferior fool. Thing is, even if I WANTED to change my major the VA won't approve it. I'm doomed to feel like a complete and utter failure. I seriously feel like an idiot in that class. Everyone else is like yeah I totally get it! And they are answering all the questions. Me? I'm just sitting there like a deer in headlights just waiting to get obliterated by the semi-truck that is the practical. FUCK MY LIFE.