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Friday, 08 November 2013 05:45 PM

When I was living in the dorms, I had a neighbor who would blast music at 3am until 6am. I would hear her have sex every single day multiple times and I'd feel every time her bed would hit the wall (damn those thin walls). Her and her roommate would bang things around and laugh and scream all the time. My RA didn't do shit because she wanted everyone to think she was cool. So after a gazillion noise complaints I finally knocked on her door myself and asked her to politely to mind her noise level. She didn't take me seriously after that so I knocked one more time and told her I was not fucking around with her, and that she needed to shut the fuck up because people actually study around here. I didn't hear much from her room the rest of the semester.

So RAs, as much as I'm sure y'all get annoyed of people complaining, you signed onto it when you agreed to be an RA. Don't be an RA if you're too pansy or too lazy to do anything about a loud resident because you want the free room. And loud people, y'all don't realize how loud y'all are so y'all want to say a bunch of shit about how people complain about everything. How about you have the decency to keep it to a reasonable noise level and there wouldn't be any problems? No one's saying you have to be mute, just be respectful of the time of day you're making all the commotion.

/end rant.
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Friday, 08 November 2013 04:14 PM

The children who are always on the playground in Lowry Woods drive me crazy! They are ALWAYS screaming at the top of their lungs and are constantly ringing the bell. I can understand that kids make noise, but it's a little ridiculous when ALL of them are screaming at the same time. Please be more considerate of the other residents living here and keep the noise to a reasonable level.
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Thursday, 07 November 2013 05:58 PM

Anyone wanna do fwb? im a guy
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Thursday, 07 November 2013 05:56 PM

So it is Nov 7, 2013 and here I am confessing that I still have not had one of the best college experiences. I am a single, straight guy who goes to TWU and is about to graduate this May of 2014. It has been four years in college and I have never had a random hookup with a girl in my life. I hope I can check that off my list before I graduate.
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Thursday, 07 November 2013 05:37 PM

I should've just kissed you that night.
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Thursday, 07 November 2013 05:04 PM

I'm kind of sick hanging out with my girl friends all the time. I wish I had a guy friend that way we can play video games, hang and drink together. I'm not looking for a fuck buddy per say but maybe a potential boyfriend idk...

I'm kind of shy in person and I think that's why I'm writing this but if you're interested hmmm....
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Thursday, 07 November 2013 05:02 AM

I finally got to see that Alejandro F guy on campus. You're right. He IS cute!
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Thursday, 07 November 2013 02:08 AM

Just because my roommate and I file many noise complaints doesn't mean that we haven't tried to fix our noise complaint problems on our own. When y'all try to fix it, they turn up the music just as loud as soon as y'all leave. Now y'all are just mad that we keep calling. We're only mad about the noise when it's quiet hours at like 3 in the morning or so loud that our stuff is rattling. I'm thankful that you RAs help as much as you can but please don't be mad at us for having unfortunate neighbors.
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TWU Stats

Total Confessions: 4508
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 11

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