Sunday, 10 November 2013 09:29 PM
TWU wifi is going to be the death of me
Sunday, 10 November 2013 08:50 PM
Does anyone know where I can buy AP mag. In Denton !!!!!????
Sunday, 10 November 2013 07:46 PM
I think people need to be a little bit more considerate and not assume the worst out of the individuals who choose to take the elevator instead of the stairs. I'm on my fucking period right now and I'm cramping real bad, so of course, I'm not going to use the fucking stairs when I live on the 3rd floor. Then, there are times whenever I have heavy groceries and my laundry basket to lug up. I lived on the 20th floor last semester, so I understand how annoying it is to have the elevator stop for people who live on the 2-4 floors but I think people should understand that not everybody does it because they want to piss people off.
Sunday, 10 November 2013 06:44 PM
Matt N is really cute. He's tall, nerdy, and probably just my type. Does anyone know if he's single?
Sunday, 10 November 2013 06:42 PM
Sometimes, I only workout in the gym, so I can see all of the attractive men on campus working a sweat. Hellooo, hotties. ;)
Sunday, 10 November 2013 06:41 PM
This cold weather sucks. I have nobody to cuddle with and the girls here don't talk to you unless you are a part of their clique.
Sunday, 10 November 2013 06:38 PM
Guys need to make up their mind on whether or not they want a girl who can play video games. I play video games, but I just don't tell guys that I do because they will probably think I'm a bro. :/ I could probably spend hours at a gaming store. I wish I knew more girls like me, so I wouldn't feel so alone.
Sunday, 10 November 2013 06:32 PM
I think it was rather unnecessary for a group of guys to shoulder my boyfriend when we were walking toward the underground. Why bother to compete on this campus? You don't even need to show that "you are the alpha dog", because there are probably at least 10 girls available to every guy. COME ON.