Monday, 12 May 2014 09:01 PM
#15778 Where ALL the white women at that love black men?
Admin note: I'll remove this post if it starts getting racist. (M)
Monday, 12 May 2014 08:50 PM
#15778 I'm going to redo this, and hopefully be grammatically correct enough for everyone.
I'm in desperate need of a condo-mate (not a condiment). Hopefully, the hyphen will make that more clear. It's two miles from campus; rent is CHEAPER than dorms. You will have a room of your own, or you can move someone in with you. I personally don't care what you do; I myself, have a roommate. You're welcome to drink and smoke freely. Or you can have a big huge Jesus party. I really don't care what you do; it's your life. Only recommendations: have to be female, no hardcore drugs, and you have to pay rent on time.
If you're interested... please like or comment.
Please post this again, sorry. Thank you. Have a good day.
Admin note: What's a Jesus party, and will there be wine?
Monday, 12 May 2014 06:11 PM
#15777 This is my first time staying in cookeville for the summer. What is there to do?!!!
Admin note: I've here my whole life and I want to know, too.(M)
Monday, 12 May 2014 05:12 PM
#15776 How bad is Calculus-based Physics Online? I have heard that Tech's physics department is not that great. Any suggestions?
Monday, 12 May 2014 05:00 PM
#15775 If I have a GPA over 2.0 cumulative, and got a 1.75 gpa this semester, and a 1.25 last semester, Will I be suspended this semester, or continue on probation?
Admin note: best bet would be to talk to who ever is charge of suspension. (M)
Monday, 12 May 2014 03:46 PM
#15774 School hasn't even been over for very long, and my friends haven't started scattering yet, but I'm still scared of falling into depression without them, or at least some social contact.
Monday, 12 May 2014 02:45 PM
#15773 I think I should have gotten bonus points in CHEM 1120 for knowing how to spell, "Rezsnyak",. . .
Monday, 12 May 2014 07:19 AM
#15772 I have Redding next semester for A&P II. Everyone says it's awful, what do I need to do to get an A in his class? I don't want to lose my 4.0....