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Thursday, 15 May 2014 02:32 PM

#15804 I confess that I am a bit confused about the grading school (and this is not unique to TTU in any way). I thought that a C was an "average" grade, and means that you passed the course. But in talking with many student and even teaching faculty, one gets the perception that it is a failing grade. Since when was the bar for passing a course raised to a B?
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Thursday, 15 May 2014 01:45 PM

#15803 PSA: For any Tennessee Titans fans in Cookeville that might read this page, tomorrow night at 8 PM, at Kroger, there is scheduled to be an autograph signing with WR Kendall Wright and former Tennessee Vol WR Justin Hunter. And for those not going ... traffic will probably suck if you're out and about in that area.
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Thursday, 15 May 2014 12:22 PM

#15803 I need to take a 3 hour course over the summer that I can FOR SURE make an A or a B in. Any suggestions? Preferably online.
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Thursday, 15 May 2014 11:05 AM

#15803 Is it too much to ask for an honest, hard working, good hearted woman to find an honest, hard working, good hearted man who will appreciate her, enjoy her company, and remain loyal, faithful, and affectionate?
*gettin' real tired of these men that need to step it up*
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Thursday, 15 May 2014 10:10 AM

#15803 So, I have set up my friend's birthday bar crawl for tonight. The list includes: 1. Vinnie's, 2. Spankie's, 3. Bob's, and the 4. 19th hole. We also may squeeze Char in there somewhere as well. We plan on starting at Vinnie's around 7:00 PM. Again, anyone and everyone is invited to come and celebrate with us!
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Thursday, 15 May 2014 08:28 AM

#15803 I laugh at all the posts about how "I can't wait for country boys because country and trucks." I don't drive a truck. I don't have a hick accent. But I guarantee I'm more "country" than a dozen of your "country" boys combined. And this is why I hate American girls. Give me my Brit already.
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Thursday, 15 May 2014 06:59 AM

#15803 Being a "side chick" has never hurt as much as now, now that he's graduated. I regret not asking him to leave her sooner.. And I can't tell anyone because they all told me this would happen. Uggghhhh I miss you so much .. you can still come back to me anytime.
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Thursday, 15 May 2014 03:28 AM

#15803 #15802
@william m. should i think i shoulg ignore him

Admin note: Looks like you're the man with the plan, William. (M)
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