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Tuesday, 27 October 2015 07:38 PM

#17883 I wish Dr. Cashmen could teach.

I don't care what he teaches, just something.
instead he sits up there in the front of us all and makes no sense, or corrects himself 50 times or even wrong.

and if he's reading this... Dr. Who is no match for us Trekkies
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Tuesday, 27 October 2015 07:34 PM

#17882 Really tired of certain types of students in the library.

I won't attack ethnicity specifically, but there seems to be a high correlation between certain races and not shutting the hell up!

Seriously, this is the quiet floor.

Seriously, shut the hell up.
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Tuesday, 27 October 2015 07:28 PM

#17881 So this is my first post so i hope you like. I am a senior at tech studying computer science and psychology, also i'm 22, single, and never had a girlfriend before. It sucks a little bit because it seems like no matter what i do i can't seem to find someone, either the girl i meet has a boyfriend already, so i end up just becoming friends with them or in the rare cause they don't have a boyfriend we hangout a little bit and then when i ask them out they stop talking to me. So i feel like i am in a never ending cycle either i just make a new friend or lose a friend. And whats weird is all my friends keep saying how they cant believe i don't have a girlfriend because of how nice, kind, and caring i am. Which makes me think thats maybe its something wrong with me maybe my looks, or style idk. i just wish i could find someone so i would have someone to do things with.
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Tuesday, 27 October 2015 07:14 PM

#17880 Just a friendly reminder that if you find a usb in a computer in the library, PLEASE TURN IT IN. Common decency, people.
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Tuesday, 27 October 2015 05:27 PM

#17890 To this car that was parked next to the football field at 7:25pm on Tueaday, I don't know if you saw the light blue older car parked in front of you, they got away too fast for me to really see what kind, but they backed into your car. Twice. then sped off. Didn't know if there was any damage but yeah.

Admin Note: I wasn't going to post this because of the license plate, but I would have wanted to know. To the owner if you do not want this up I'll take it down immediately.
Thank you kind stranger.
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Tuesday, 27 October 2015 12:41 PM

#17879 I confess that whenever my girlfriend asks to be spanked or hit i become nervous. I don't want to hurt her...
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Tuesday, 27 October 2015 11:30 AM

#17878 Just saw a girl and black hoodie near brown. Gotta say that green hair is absolutely rocking.
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Monday, 26 October 2015 07:19 PM

#17876 to the girl i met in Kroger tonight i will watch you playing soccer tomorrow wishing to meet you again
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TNTech Stats

Total Confessions: 18032
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: 0%
Favorited by: 40

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