Saturday, 07 November 2015 05:03 PM
#17916 Every week since I started my job I have said I am going to quit. It's been 2 years. Why haven't I quit yet?
Friday, 06 November 2015 08:12 PM
#17915 If I fail GenChem AGAIN this semester, as it is very likely that I will, and then retake it the following semester, do both Fs drop off of my transcript, or just one of them?
Friday, 06 November 2015 01:56 PM
#17914 To the blonde girl in the passenger side of the dark gray Toyota on Willow near Andy's Pharmacy at around 3:45 today... You were behind me, and I could see you in my rear view mirror pointing at my car and pulling your phone out, holding it up "discreetly" as you recorded something of my car. Yes, I could see it all, that's how mirrors work, and they're in cars for a reason. And no, you weren't discreet because I could see your phone held up in the typical position of recording something, abnormal for just looking at your phone. So I could see everything you did. Whatever you were taking a video or picture of, I'm sure it was pointless. It is just a car like any other. I don't appreciate you being so obsessed with whatever you thought funny about my car that you had to capture the moment on your phone. That's really immature. And so help me if any detail of my car that is specific to my possession of it, such as license plate number or decal/stickers ends up anywhere on social media, I hope you think it was worth it in the end.
Friday, 06 November 2015 01:28 PM
#17911 I confess that I laughed so hard when I received this the other night. BE APART OF SOMETHING. The definition of apart is separated by a distance. It should be two words not one. So how smart are the people running for homecoming again...?

Friday, 06 November 2015 11:14 AM
#17912 For those of you that are married, would you say that the first year was the worst or at least the hardest?
Friday, 06 November 2015 10:56 AM
#17913 I must confess that I have a major crush on a beautiful tall blonde. I've seen her around campus numerous times this semester and we always seem to catch each other's eyes. It just so happens that she works at SAMs where I shop with a friend every week. I can't seem to catch your name but if you see this I would love to talk with you.
Thursday, 05 November 2015 10:54 PM
#17910 I confess that I think I have a crush on a coworker even though I am in a relationship and have been in one for years. But every time I work with them I can't help but get butterflies. I know it's really nothing, and that nothing is going to happen from it, but damn if they aren't some great company (and some great eye candy)
Thursday, 05 November 2015 06:30 PM
#17909 I thought people stopped thinking vandalism was cool in like 5th grade. Seriously you're a grown college age adult. That's too old to rip antennas off people's trucks.