Monday, 20 October 2014 08:38 AM
#16521 I fapped in a corn maze the other night.
Monday, 20 October 2014 08:37 AM
#16523 Tonight there will be open auditions for student run one act plays for the play directing class. Please come and audition! It's from 6-9 TONIGHT! All are welcome!!
Monday, 20 October 2014 08:08 AM
#16522 No one is impressed when you rev your engine or drive fast on campus. No one.
Monday, 20 October 2014 06:02 AM
#16525 So I was driving through tech in my worktruck, which is a large diesel, and this attractive blonde walked up to me while at a light and said,"Hey! Compensating for something?" and then walked off. I'd like to respond to her since she didn't give me the chance. 1. Wasn't my truck, hint the Giant company logo on the side. 2. If you noticed, that thing attached to the back of the truck is called a trailer. Meaning something that trails or follows behind. On said trailer was a 3 ton piece of equipment, but I guess in your massive consumption of brain power required to put together those syllables you said, you missed it. So.....yes, I am compensating for something. My inability to pull it with anything else. So unless you have any better ideas or ways to improve society as a whole, both of which are highly unlikely, I suggest you mind your own damn business. On a side note, I'd still date you though.
Sunday, 19 October 2014 11:36 PM
#16516 What did Cinderella say when she got to the ball?
Sunday, 19 October 2014 11:22 PM
#16515 I see that most of the internet operates under the conclusion that girls are the ones who get hurt in relationships. I can say from my personal experience and some of my friends, that girls don't get hurt as much as I hear people claim. I went through a lot of serious emotional damage with my last breakup, and the only serious girlfriend I had before this last one left me in so many broken pieces that it took me years to get the confidence and strength I needed to love again. To be fair, I found it shattered at my feet once again and who knows how long this one will take. I just wanted to say that girls are not always the victims in relationships.
Sunday, 19 October 2014 09:36 PM
#16514 To McKenzie at Baskin have the nicest smile and ass I've seen like ONG.
Sunday, 19 October 2014 09:27 PM
#16513 I confess that at a wedding this weekend, I gave multiple beers to a teenager who told me they were 21. She looked old enough to me. Once the parents realized she was drunk, they started to ask everyone " Who gave alcohol to my 16 year old daughter?!" When they got to me, I told them that the guy had on a black suit with a pink tie. I didn't realize that I was the only guy with a black suit and pink tie. Needless to say, I left the wedding very quickly.