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Tuesday, 28 October 2014 08:34 PM

#16611 FUN FACT: If I stay up late enough on Friday night, I might be able to watch the new Sailor Moon Crystal before I go to sleep....which would probably be the highlight of my Halloween Night #nolife
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Tuesday, 28 October 2014 08:20 PM

#16612 Can you people stop posting about how gorgeous someone else is, it's probably the most ridiculous things allowed to be posted. We need real confessions, not this shit.
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Tuesday, 28 October 2014 06:09 PM

#16617 Why can't people be straight forward with what they want? They need to be especially straight forward with guys who have no idea when a girl is subtly hitting on them until it is too late. Like, how was I supposed to know you broke up with your boyfriend for me by you flipping your goddamn hair around me? Or the fact that tapping your left shoe three times while wiggling your nose meant you wanted to bone? Jesus H. Christ this shit should have ended in middle school.
If you are down to pound, please tell me your level of affection for me in an essay which is no less than 500 words, using Times New Roman Font, and double spaced. Cite your sources and change your panties afterwards as well. It is due by the end of the week. You may submit it via email or in person. I will have it graded at least two days after receiving it. Kay, kay? Buh bye.
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Tuesday, 28 October 2014 05:41 PM

#16613 Mountain dew icees are better than drunken sex.
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Tuesday, 28 October 2014 05:12 PM

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Tuesday, 28 October 2014 04:58 PM

#16615 That TAHPERD convention though. We did it right! I don't think I slept more than 12 hours the past 3 days.
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Tuesday, 28 October 2014 04:38 PM

#16616 Isn't it sexist to use the word feminism? The root word of feminism is obviously feminine. The word itself seems to support female supremacy which isn't what feminism is about, so wouldn't human rights activist so 10000x better? Not everyone classifies themselves as a female or male, so be a human rights activist, not a feminist, shows support for your fellow humans and treat everyone equal.
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Tuesday, 28 October 2014 02:41 PM

#16609 The guy that gave the dildo speech is an extremely attractive guy.
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TNTech Stats

Total Confessions: 18032
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: 0%
Favorited by: 40

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