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Wednesday, 12 November 2014 07:43 AM

#16744 Screw all this talk about seniors getting the raw end of the deal when it comes to registration; I'm a sophomore and I can't even register until tomorrow. Plus I still somehow have to manage to actually get into a speech class.
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Wednesday, 12 November 2014 06:26 AM

#16742 I hate to be one of "those" people, but I was wondering if I can have some opinions on James Monroe Stewart's Speech 2410 class. I checked rate my professor, and he has a 1.9, with 124 ratings. Is he really that bad, or did the majority of people that rated him give him that score out of spite? Thanks!
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Tuesday, 11 November 2014 09:52 PM

#16756 I thought living at home was going to save me money, but I was wrong. The amount of money I spend in a month on gas and food at Tech would pay my rent and electric bills if I had an apartment and then some. Plus I wouldn't have my mom telling me that I need to go to bed because I have class the next day. If you want me to pass, I'm not sleeping any time soon.
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Tuesday, 11 November 2014 01:45 PM

#16741 What's the thing that I can use in order to plan the layout of my schedule before I actually register?
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Tuesday, 11 November 2014 01:02 PM

#16740 I love hugs way more than people think I love hugs.
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Tuesday, 11 November 2014 12:32 PM

#16739 So I've been dating this girl for about two months now, and I have to say I think I'm falling in love with her. I'm an older guy, not some young 19-year old puppy lover, and I've been single for a while now bc none of the girls I dealt with ever seemed like it was going anywhere and I'd just quit. But this girl is different. My point to this, I know it's pretty early to be thinking they way or feeling that way, so naturally I'm nervous about saying anything, but she gives pff the vibe that she might be feeling that way too. But yeah, thats my story lol first time poster to confessions, so I can knock that off the bucket list now!
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Tuesday, 11 November 2014 11:32 AM

#16738 I confess that I find it absolutely ridiculous that a freshman can end up with a Tuesday morning registration time, but a senior has to register Thursday afternoon. The registration times need to be assigned by class. I might be complaining, but it seems unfair. Does anyone else agree, or am I being completely irrational?
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Tuesday, 11 November 2014 06:12 AM

#16736 I have been "rejected" to go on many dates before, but only one woman has ever truly rejected an invitation to go on a date with me. She was great, but she told me she had fun but that she would prefer we stay friends, and not only are we great friends now but I highly respect her for it. Every other woman that has "rejected" me doesn't actually reject the invitation but is always "busy", "has a big exam this week" (every week), etc. Asking someone out takes a lot of guts and I feel like I waste so much time trying to interpret whether I'm being "rejected" and should quit bothering them, or if it is someone who is truly busy and I should try again when they are free, which I can totally respect. I guess what I'm trying to say is if someone respects you enough and works up the courage to ask you out, please return the respect by giving an honest answer. P.S. I don't mean this to sound gender-biased; I've just only ever asked out women so that's all I know.
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