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Sunday, 23 November 2014 12:07 AM

#16823 I confess I found a girl that was so much fun, made me laugh, pushed me to do better, made me come out of my comfort zone and was absolutely beautiful. I then found out how many guys she has hooked up with NOT 'been with' NOT dated but one night stands!.. I know better than to date a girl like that..... It makes me so mad
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Saturday, 22 November 2014 07:09 PM

#16822 Today I heard there such a thing as a micro penis.... And its fucking TRUE!! I mean fuck man.
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Saturday, 22 November 2014 04:18 PM

#16821 What do you do when a guy you have friend zoned pretty hard tries to cross the friend zone line?
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Saturday, 22 November 2014 03:48 PM

#16824 Anyone know who is hiring full-time or close to it? I'm trying to pay off some debt so I can get back into school. Preferably in Cookeville, my commute can't be too long.
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Saturday, 22 November 2014 09:20 AM

#16820 In desperate need of advice. I have been see this guy for about 6 or 7 months we moved in together about three months ago. Where in a pretty serious relationship and I trust him just as he does me. He tells me I can go through his phone anytime I want but I just feel like that breaks the bond of trust. To pry through his phone for know reason. I'm not one of those meddling girls who always nags about his phone but the a couple of weeks ago this girls name pops up on his phone no big deal he has many of girls that are friends but I don't think he has mentioned her before and she had txt him sense then. I don't know whether I straight up ask him about her or what I have faith in him and I don't want him to think that I don't trust him and that I am accusing him of cheating. I'm a pretty loyal person and so is he. I'm just torn on what I should do
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Friday, 21 November 2014 09:58 PM

#16819 I go to sleep every night wishing I won't wake up in the morning. My life is making me miserable. I have nobody I can talk to because everybody just says I am begging for attention. So I keep everything in no matter what.Put on a straight face as soon as I see my friends and family and just go to sleep at night dreading the next day knowing it will be filled with the same pain I go through everyday. Worst part about it is I have nobody that will listen to me. Not my boyfriend, my family, parents or friends. Makes for a pretty lonely life.
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Friday, 21 November 2014 08:15 PM

#16818 I confess that I am now just a shell of the person I used to be. I was in a relationship for a beautiful girl for two and a half years. To me, things were wonderful. Her family loved me, and I thought she loved me. Every day with her was a new adventure. I done everything in the world for this girl. I went above and beyond my duties as a boyfriend. I cooked with her, rubbed her feet, spoiled her whenever possible, read to her, and hell I even sang to her. We cuddled on the couch and watched movies together basically every weekend. I was going to marry her someday. She broke up with me in July for another guy. It completely shocked me and I wasn't expecting it at all. Ever since then, the person I used to be...the person I took pride in, is slowly fading away. I've been depressed and started drinking and smoking pot. Anything to get her off my mind. Nothing helps. My life went from being colorful and amazing to dull and grey. That's the best way I know to put it. She's on my mind every single day and I keep asking myself where I went wrong. I keep beating myself up and I'm so scared that I'll never be the same. Any advice?
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Friday, 21 November 2014 04:04 PM

#16817 Can someone please tell me where the piano in BFA is that anyone can play? I am in desperate need of some one on one time with a piano.
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