Monday, 24 November 2014 08:56 PM
#16836 To the guy in the black Mustang racing me tonight, I LOVE your car! And you could have at least let me win once. ;)
Monday, 24 November 2014 06:14 PM
#16837 How do people like Eagles landing, I'm transferring to Tech next semester and signed a lease for it. Still haven't found out who my roommates are either.
Monday, 24 November 2014 03:59 PM
#16838 I am retaking my math class because I had a C in it. I have slacked and not done the homework and I don't think I will do better than a C. Will my new shitty grade replace that C? I have looked online and can't find the answer to my question.
Monday, 24 November 2014 02:59 PM
#16839 So, this stuff about the sexual assault on campus is really getting to me.. Being a survivor myself, it terrifies me to no end that i regularly walk this campus at night.. and that this has happened and actually been reported (cuz it often isn't) and it took our pos university as long as it did to inform us. I can't possibly not walk campus at night.. so you better believe if Tech can't step it up, I will be carrying a means to protect myself.. pepper spray and pocket knives should be something every girl invests in.
Monday, 24 November 2014 10:13 AM
#16841 Let's just say for instance I was given 2 tickets today for parking in a no parking zone and without a parking permit. What are the chances I can just not pay them and everything be fine? I don't have my car registered with tech and I can't even afford groceries this week.
Monday, 24 November 2014 09:33 AM
#16842 The weather be like "Is it spring? Oh I don't know now..."
Sunday, 23 November 2014 09:58 PM
#16843 I lost the only key to my car when I was at the library tonight. Someone either stole it off my key ring because it's the only key missing out of 2 more car keys or it fell off either way I have to use my daughters Christmas money to get a new key made...
Sunday, 23 November 2014 09:06 PM
#16844 There two Guys posting pics everywhere with
#dunkboyz on seems childish but im hoping its not some type of gang here in Cookeville has anyone else seen this if so tell me what it is!