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Total Confessions: 26357
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Wednesday, 09 April 2014 04:25 PM

#10117 I like men with trucks and boots, who have manners, and know how to treat a girl right. I don't want a fuck buddy, I want guy friends and a boyfried that I can be myself around. Seems simple enough? Why can't I find this in at Purdue?
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Wednesday, 09 April 2014 04:22 PM

#10123 Last semester I got really drunk and had my first hangover. At the time I felt horrible but I was lucky enough to have a caring girlfriend to take care of me. That in my eyes is one of the most beautiful experiences I've shared with someone in a long time. Unfortunately we are no longer together. Even so the time we shared was extremely important to me. It was the first time I was truly able to be my weird self around someone and be accepted for it. She was one of the first people to get me in a long time. Even though it didn't work out, I don't regret a minute of the time I spent with her. But even now I am still haunted by the memories of the good times we shared.
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Wednesday, 09 April 2014 04:21 PM

#10122 I want the chance to thank MY old roommate for being such a whore. If the fear of finding sperm on my bed wasn't around, I wouldn't have made awesome friends and live in a new, sweet room. I'm not sure what you're doing now, couldn't care, and you might have posted it, but so you know, I'm not keeping tabs like you're keeping tabs on me (from what I heard). It's great to be free from hell!!!
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Wednesday, 09 April 2014 04:03 PM

#10116 Original poster of the Purdue NORML criticism again. My "Why is a PLANT illegal?" claim was based on the countless fliers posted all over campus that say exactly that. Just to clarify: I don't give a damn if you choose to smoke weed. That's your choice. It IS illegal in all 50 states under Federal Law, which is above state law. If the feds decide to raid Colorado and Washington, those in possession could face federal charges. Second, THC is by all definitions a drug.
Drug (n.): Pharmacology . a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being.
THC alters your state of mind. It is a drug.
Other plants are illegal. The coca plant is illegal in the US, with the exception of use by Coca-Cola. Refining is necessary to make many drugs more potent, but many drugs have pharmacological effect in their natural form.
Also, under Amendment 10 of the Constitution, the states are NOT given power to govern themselves in entirety. They are expected to abide by all federal law and then are allowed to add their own lesser laws which do not conflict with federal law.
Most of you never read what I actually wrote. I don't believe something as relatively harmless as weed should be as criminalized as it is.In most ways, alcohol is a far worse drug, as it causes many deaths. Hell, make weed legal, tax the hell out of it and sell it to those 18+. But seriously, most pro-weed arguments I've seen are based on hearsay rather than any actual facts.
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Wednesday, 09 April 2014 04:02 PM

#10101 Started doing kegel exercises. O:)
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Wednesday, 09 April 2014 03:42 PM

#10111 I'm sorry for always shutting you out. I've honestly never been more depressed in my life and I want to talk to you more than anything, trust that. I just feel like my ship is sinking and I wouldn't feel right about letting you aboard. It's like the water keeps rushing in, gallon after freezing gallon and my only happy thought is of the person I'll never get to know. Your curly brown hair bouncing as you walk with your chin to the sky. Every ponder of you always seems so warm and pleasant, a polar opposite of my world right now. I don't know how much longer I'll stay afloat, or why I keep trying to patch a vessel that so craves the oceans floor, but if I could send a message in a bottle, while I can, it would be this: You are the flower I would never dare pick. I hope you meet always with the warm sun and clear skies. You're something special, something more people should envy.
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Wednesday, 09 April 2014 03:35 PM

#10110 I really want to workout (go to the CoRec) and run on campus to lose weight, but at 210 lbs (my highest ever), I'm so so so afraid that people will make fun of me and make me even more insecure about something I want to change.
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Wednesday, 09 April 2014 03:21 PM

#10109 I think people need to understand what curvy really means. It means being in good shape and having voluptuous assets. Not having plenty of folds of fat on your body. Unless you have a medical condition or disorder, there is no acceptable reason for fat people to say it's ok to be "curvy" and continue eating, being fat and doing nothing about it. No, it's not ok to be fat. It's unhealthy for you and plain disgusting to look at.
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Purdue Stats

Total Confessions: 26357
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 71

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