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Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:14 PM

#402 This is 399: I completely expected people to disagree, and I'm so glad you guys have "favorite" parts, but seriously did anybody read what I put or were they too busy being defensive to actually receive anything from it!
You're saying that what I posted will turn someone away, but have you guys seen the comments from some incoming freshman who, in a nutshell, can't believe this is the school they were so excited to attend! So please!
I did not grow up in a Christian household. I actually grew up in a pretty crappy lower middle class household. Nobody in my family tries to follow Jesus for real and 2 people in my immediate family are complete atheists whom I love with all my heart. I have a gay uncle, a muslim uncle, a crackhead aunt! I love and accept them all! These aren't exaggerations either lol and I can go on! I have probably experienced more types of people and religions than most of you! I've lived more in the real world and had more life experience than a lot of you probably have! Like someone else on here mentioned before, after finding God, I had my faith completely crushed because I was looking for my example in everyone and everything else, and it wasn't until I buckled down and started searching on my own and taking responsibility for my own relationship with God that I found out who Christ really was. Of course I hid behind my Christianity when I was addicted to pornography because I was shame, but I actually did share it with a few people and now being free from it, I am free from that shame and I don't have a problem sharing it if the opportunity presents itself and it can help someone (rev 12)! It was relieving to share and one of the reasons why I was able to free myself was knowing that I wasn't the only person I knew that was a girl, that had struggled with that! So now that we've cleared up that your assumptions are completely off we can move on :)...
I can't elaborate on your example, you kinda lost me there, but it's obvious you were offended *cough*convicted*cough* (excuse me, sorry). Now, I'm not saying that I'm unlike any of the people here or that I was never a hypocrite at some point. I have completely made peace with the fact that in my time of being in the world I was probably a bad example to a few people along the way. My heart breaks for those people though and I know I'll have to answer for it someday! I can't change what I have done, but I can do better and I am! So I'm sorry Katie _____ if you felt like you were going to try and hurt me with those extremely low blows (Woodboro Bapist Church? seriously? *sigh* anyways), or by throwing my PAST sin in my face, but try again...
And you're right drinking isn't a sin, but getting drunk is (sorry it's in the word. I believe mentioned in proverbs and 1 Corinthians). Having sex before marriage is a sin (unfortunately, we all know it's true-get over it! I have!), getting high is a sin, because when you're under the influence of drugs and alcohol you are allowing something else other than Christ to lead you! Are any of these sins bigger the next? No. Sin is sin to God. Does God still love you? Of course. But is Christ's mercy an excuse to keep doing the same things over and over? Absolutely not! It's different if you're TRYING and fail, than when you consciously do wrong!
You're telling me something's not my business, but it's everybody's business! It becomes everybody's business once you put it here, so I don't really know what you mean KT. Oh yeah, wait I do-you mean it's only my business if I agree and say "God is love guys no matter what and it's so awesome how we're all sharing our feelings guys, really" *tear*!
I'm not going to pacify people! There are enough people on this page doing that! I wouldn't want anybody to pacify me! Tell me the truth! Even if it hurts! Conviction changes your heart!
You're telling me that I act like I have all the answers, but (super, ultra, corny line coming in 3,2,1) WE all do have the answer and His name is Jesus Christ! I know reading your bible and praying doesn't immediately fix everything, but it does changes things eventually! I'm living proof of that!
Sorry, if you felt I was bashing people, that's not my intention! I mean, I'm sorry that I say "hell" and "sin," and those things are not to be spoken of, but I don't know what else you want me to say! It's real people, and just because we try to acknowledge the existence of hell as little as possible and ignore the reality of judgment for our sins doesn't mean it'll go away! Where was I "wishing doom?" Yes! I am very very concerned about people going to hell and you should be too! We all should be! If being concerned with that makes me a bad Christian to you then I'll take that rap!
My post was just meant to say that yes, we all struggle, but there is a difference in confessing a struggle, and glorifying it! If you have something that you want to finally say to get off your chest and free yourself, then cool post it, but if you just want to wave your sin around loud and proud because you think it's cool or funny, then I feel like that's wrong! That's not helping anyone! Maybe my point wasn't so eloquently written the first time, and maybe it still isn't, but thank you Aaron Beavers for a well put elaboration because that was exactly my point!
I believe some people have been helped here, but a majority have not! We are human and nobody is perfect, but sin is sin, wrong is wrong! I know this is "still a college," but I really don't see that as an excuse when a lot of us truly know better! Don't take my word for it though please! Study and find it for yourself! My opinions aren't personal, they are scriptural.
If you still don't get what I'm saying please refer to AB's comment on the original post. He pretty much sums it up. I hope you enjoyed reading my second book of a post! God bless!
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Thursday, 28 March 2013 06:29 PM

#403 APAs, fuck you. Chaplains, fuck you. RAs, double fuck you. especially claudius head RAs. Give someone a little power, and it all goes to their head. You ain't all that, and once you leave this place no one will give a shit about you. That is all.
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Thursday, 28 March 2013 02:58 PM

#401 I hate John Mayer... and Kari Jobe
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Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:47 AM

#400 I'm so tired of Republicans at this school. They think they're right because they're the majority. And for a Christian institution political party really doesn't matter cause we aren't a part of this kingdom anyways. Death of GOP ..moment of silence.
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Thursday, 28 March 2013 07:41 AM

Were you yelling when you wrote that? I don't think there was one period in that book of a post. I'm not entirely sure though, because I stopped reading at "I know a lot of people are gonna say I'm a hypocrite...but"
Also, I'm really glad ORU helped you with all of your "struggles." It's too bad we can't have a curfew our whole lives!
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Thursday, 28 March 2013 02:02 AM

#399 This page makes me kind of ashamed that I go to ORU. I know a lot of people are gonna say I'm a hypocrite or judgmental, etc., but I'm just being honest (like all of you). I have sympathy for people that have legitimate struggles, but some of ya'll just upset me! Just to be fair, I'll confess that I struggled with a pornography addiction for a lot of my time here, but not once was I proud of it, or glorified it. I've had a couple drinks out with friends while I've been here, but I knew it was wrong and did my best to get that in check! These are things that I struggled with before ORU though and have actually been blessed to help control do to ORU "forcing" me to set my standards for myself higher!
Now, my thing with these confessions is not what people confess, but the fact that they are so happy to confess it-they openly glorify their sin! Most of the people that post are the reason that people think ALL Christians are hypocrites; they're the reason when I meet a guy, he automatically thinks I'm a "sure thing" when he finds out I go here. I mean if you like smoking, drinking, and having casual sex, ok, but don't go here! There are plenty of schools that you can do that at freely and not reflect badly on anything or anyone! Don't complain about the rules here, deliberately break them and then say ORU made you do it! You made you do it! YOU chose to go to ORU! Go somewhere else where there's no honor code and no expectations for you to uphold!
All this page does is give rise to the lukewarm message already corrupting our generation today and makes people feel validated in their WRONG actions! My biggest issue with this is that it not only reflects poorly on the school, but on Believers as a whole! Some of the stuff posted on this page will be the reason somebody doesn't find Christ or turns away! That's harsh, but it's true! Most of the things posted here are setting us back so far in our quest to heal a broken world it's not even funny! It's one thing to be a Christian that struggles and shares that because we all fall short at some point and it's nice to hear you're not the only one, but it's another to call yourself a "Christian" and glorify your sin! Being young does not exclude us from judgment! To know better and do the opposite is a slap in the face to Christ (2 peter 2:21)! We are held accountable for our actions! You are held accountable for what you post on here and if it encourages someone down the wrong path! Do you really want to be the reason somebody goes to hell?! Every time you "like" something someone posts that is out of the will of God you are encouraging them into hell! You don't care?! ok well I do! Some of you are making it hard for others (like myself) to plant a seed or be a witness! Don't be surprised if during your judgment in heaven ORU Confessions gets brought up and you get told about who was lead astray because of something you posted here! This page impacts people-not all in a good way! You may brush me under a rug and think you are above judgment, but this is real life!
Having sex isn't going to heal you, doing drugs isn't going to heal you, drinking is not going to heal you-Christ is!
You guys want the best relationships possible-the best life possible-follow Christ and don't look to other people or even a school for your direction! Look to God! Seek Him whole heartedly and don't settle for anything less than His best for you and you will have healthy happy relationships and lives! Living any other way, or following anything else (earthly) you are setting yourself up for failure and will continue to open the door for the devil to shake up your world (not in a good way)!
This is going to sound harsh but a lot of problems people face on here are a result of their own personal choices! You can't blame ORU for your failing life, or your relationship with Christ! You are responsible for your life! YOU are responsible for your relationship with God! You are responsible for you! Do better! If there's something you don't like change it! Even if it means changing schools, since some of you seem so utterly miserable here!
There are a ton of things I dislike about ORU, but those things don't overshadow the fact that I made a conscious decision to go here and despite ORU's shortcoming, I'm a better person for making the CHOICE to go here! Regardless of whether you like ORU, or not, you are here at this time for a reason! TRY to figure out what that is, before you discount the entire establishment based off a few bad experiences and "confessions!" Don't let other's or a place dictate your walk, or your salvation!
Instead of glorifying the wrongs people post, encourage that person in the right direction with a scripture or uplifting word-pray for them! Iron sharpens iron! Let's sharpen each others swords instead of running around poking each other and laughing as or standards lessen and our convictions fall! We as student's need to do better, not only for ourselves AND our school, but for all the lost hurting people of this world (schoolmates included)! God bless!
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Wednesday, 27 March 2013 11:40 PM

#398 I am a black International student and I swear I see a new white girl face every single day!!!..for the past 3 years I have been here!
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Wednesday, 27 March 2013 09:40 PM

#397 The Fun Run? The only thing fun about it is if you're a guy and you see a chick's hard nipples since it was usually so damn cold.
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