Sunday, 07 December 2014 09:18 AM
#21891 The 22 quiet hours in the dorms is too much, there doesn't need to be 22 maybe like, 18 at most.
Sunday, 07 December 2014 08:58 AM
#21890 I've been seeing a pot of posts complaining throughout this semester, many of the posters, I believe are underclassmen so I figured I'd post a few things up:
1) No building is being built over existing parking lots. Jabs Hall is located where some trees used to be and the fenced off portion was once a green field used as an activity space. This is also true for the temporary classrooms. The new residence hall is being built on a field and is actually adding parking spaces, which will be available likely come spring semester.
2) To those who live off campus. I'm in the same boat, but I have the good fortune of working for a company that will work around my schedule. I also either choose to go to campus far earlier than I need to find a spot or I just take the streamline.
3) Finally, to all freshmen complaining complaining about the lack of parking. Count your blessings, many universities would bar you from having a vehicle at all as freshmen. To everyone else: the university is growing at an accelerated rate. Naturally their will be problems until the funding a scheduling of projects is able to come up. The university is moving as quick as they can and complaining isn't going to move them any quicker.
Sunday, 07 December 2014 07:32 AM
#21889 If your profile picture is a professional athlete, a team logo, or basically anything that isn't actually a picture of you, I automatically assume you're an idiot.
Sunday, 07 December 2014 05:56 AM
#21888 My ex told me that he fought all the time with his previous girlfriend and that she was crazy. I'm realizing now that maybe she was normal and he just made her crazy. Warning to his next girlfriend, be wary of a guy who hasn't been single since he was 15 and doesn't take longer than a month to get over someone.
Sunday, 07 December 2014 01:59 AM
#21887 I think I just realized something. What if quiet hours actually make people less quiet? Like some fight the powuh thing or something like that.
Sunday, 07 December 2014 12:48 AM
#21886 As finals are approaching its always a good idea to bring lube So when the test f*cks you at least you Won't get paper cuts!!!
Sunday, 07 December 2014 12:47 AM
#21885 Something to ponder. When a thought provoking question with a definite invitation for debate is asked and met directly with a defensive, sarcastic remark; It would seem pretty clear that there are some deeply rooted insecurities involved. Hmmm... maybe I'm wrong.
Sunday, 07 December 2014 12:31 AM
#21884 If you're living in Johnstone, please stop with the fucking loud banging. I don't know if you're having sex with an elephant, sumo wrestling, or what. I'd confront you myself but honestly I have no idea where the sound could be coming from and I'm not gonna knock on everyone's doors at 2 AM trying to figure out who it is.