Tuesday, 09 December 2014 06:56 PM
I broke up with my girlfriend because she lied to me. She did end up telling me the truth and the truth wasn't even bad. It was actually pretty funny. I think I over reacted by breaking up with her. It's not like I haven't told her a white lie.
Tuesday, 09 December 2014 06:29 PM
Everyone FUCKS up it's not just one person. If you both love each other work through it. Don't let stupid things end your relationship. If something is bothering you talk about it with them don't avoid the problems and act like everything is okay and doesn't bother you when actually it does. Communication is key.
Tuesday, 09 December 2014 04:37 PM
I got my lucky Batman boxers on for my finals. Because they're not the grades I deserve, but they're the grades I need.
Tuesday, 09 December 2014 02:05 PM
Any advice on how I should space out my caffeine consumption so I'm the most productive?
Tuesday, 09 December 2014 01:00 PM
Just got an iPhone 6 plus and all I have to say is the camera makes my junk look amazing
Tuesday, 09 December 2014 12:51 PM
I broke up with my girlfriend a couple a months ago. I blaimed everything on her. I haven't talked to her in awhile and I straight up ignore her if I see her on campus. At first I thought my reasonings to break up with her we're legitimate but I just pussied out. I felt some emotions I had never felt for anyone before. Some of the things made me feel uncomfortable. I didn't know I could get jealous, feel love, or even care about someone until she came along. I told her I wouldn't regret it and that we were never getting back together. After months, I think I'm finally starting to regret it. I don't know what to do. I've hurt her pretty badly. I want her back but my pride gets the best of me. I hook up or talk to other girls to help me get over her and I drink my emotions away because I rather not talk about it. This obviously doesn't work. Not really even sure who to talk to anymore. Since I push everyone away. Any advice? Should I talk to her make things work out or what?
Tuesday, 09 December 2014 12:31 PM
Relationships should have a second chance in most cases. The exception is cheating.
Tuesday, 09 December 2014 10:14 AM
I dated this guy for several months. He is the exact same as me. We got along great. Everything between us was easy and we didn't have to try to put effort into dating to make us both happy. But I know I don't want to live in Montana and he is committed to staying in Montana... plus it wasn't a relationship my close family would have approved of. So I broke up with him a month ago. We stayed intimately involved.. but then last weekend I was drinking with some friends, ended up going to third base with one of my close friends. I had to tell the guy I've been seeing.... I hurt him. I probably lost him as a friend. and I hate myself for it.