Wednesday, 04 March 2015 12:01 PM
#22995 Honestly I don't want a girl that smoked weed or goes and gets drunk. I will relax and have one or two, but that's it. I don't need alcohol or weed to have a good time. I don't like being "turnt up", I like being fully in control, and I think it's a sith of maturity of a girl doesn't either. She doesn't need it to have fun. Ya on occasion getting ddrunk might be fine, but every weekend is stupid in my opinion. I'd rather be out in the mountains with a bonfire, music music and dancing then at some house with a bunch of drunk idiots.
Wednesday, 04 March 2015 11:53 AM
#22994 My girlfriends make fun of me not having a be and being a virgin. And I don't think they realize how hard it is for me to open up to someone.
Wednesday, 04 March 2015 11:37 AM
#22993 This concealed carry debate is hilarious. Especially because most of you white knights fighting for the right to carry at school have never in earnest been under threat. 90% of you are white males, from country backgrounds, and its your god given constitutional right to carry again where ever you damn well please. Most of you also, have probably never lived anywhere but Montana. Ive never lived anywhere safer and I've been to war and lived in a lot of states and I grew up in what has been labeled as one of americas most dangerous cities and been robbed at gun point twice and in neither situation did I want a gun, because it just leads to a shoot out and one or both of us hurt or dead over fucking money. Yes this is different situation but in the one in a million chance MSU was hit with a gunman it would just lead to a bunch of vigilantes trying to fight back; what if one of you white knights kills someone innocent in the fray? It could lead to chaos it could easily happen. Especailly because none of you are actually trained to handle this situation, yes you gently stroke yourself at night to dream of it happening but the reality is completely different killing someone, is that something you're willing to live with? Trust me i could find you a hundred veterens who went to war more than willing to kill and in hindsight are haunted by what they did and saw. What happens when the police show up? We've got 10 people with guns in a shootout and if the shooter is smart and dressed plainly whose to know whose innocent and whose guilty here? Its a wild west scenario which i know you all dream of but at the end of the day the stats are so low it even happening here and the risks are so high for everyone else involved lets leave it to professionals MSU's police force is prepared and ready for these situations and you all are not. Im an avid hunter and firearm owner and I have no interest in most of you who want to be armed at school carrying guns at school.
Wednesday, 04 March 2015 11:21 AM
#22992 To the guy who works at the coffee shop in the SUB: I haven't seen you in several months, mainly because I haven't gotten my tea latte, nor have I sat studying on the couches right by the shop. But I just wanted to say that I miss your smile. We never introduced ourselves, but you always gave me a smile as if you knew me and it made my day. Thank you
Wednesday, 04 March 2015 10:15 AM
#22991 My confession is that I miss the days when trolling was clever and intelligent, almost witty. Now it's just a bunch of statements likened to the petty insults of a 12 year old. I miss the age when witty banter was used to get a rise out of someone.
Wednesday, 04 March 2015 07:05 AM
#22990 I made out with a hotdog.
Wednesday, 04 March 2015 06:18 AM
#22989 Can't tell me I'm the the only who feels like this.
Wednesday, 04 March 2015 02:56 AM
#22988 I'm from Arizona but I fcking love Montana!