Thursday, 12 March 2015 06:54 AM
#23043 I'm standing here night now. Naked. A popular, male, student. I am involved with a lot of clubs and whatnots. Not in isolation by any means. Regardless, I am so unhappy. I have existential thoughts encouraging me not to appeal to my better judgement when it comes to substance abuse. I am pathetically addicted to release. I've started cutting again. Like holy shit. I haven't cut since I was first exploring ways to escape from reality. AKA a long long time a ago. I had this thought like "what does a deep cut feel like?" "Does it matter if I spill some blood right now?"..."no"..."But what happens if I hit an artery? Does that matter either?" "Does life matter?" I'm not suicidal. I have no genuine desire to end my life. But I've definitely thought about it. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. Help.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015 11:21 PM
#23042 Sometimes I wish I could go back in time. I had a very difficult time from 8th grade through High School. I struggled with Depression and went through a stage were I did not know who I was. In this time frame I probably smoked more than half my body weight in weed. I'm not condemning the people that choose to partake, but if you're a youngin don't smoke. I had all the oppertunity in the world to better myself including FFA, welding, life skills, and making more lifelong friends. All of this passed me by while staying buried in my stoned/depressed cocoon.
Going to MSU was a real eye opening experience. It was like getting kicked in the stomach by the real world. Getting busted for weed, and shortly after breaking my leg skiing left me vulnerable. Fines depleted my bank account, and the injury made me unable to work. I had nothing but time to study and soul search. Today, I am doing what I should have done back then, and am truly grateful.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015 11:06 PM
#23041 Emma Nelson, you are a fully realized representation of my ideal woman. The fact that I've never met anyone like you before is slightly frustrating but that just speaks volumes on just how special I think you are. You intimidate the hell out of me in the best way imaginable.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015 10:50 PM
#23040 Every so often, I'll look at the moon late at night and wonder if my future wife is also looking at it. I'll wonder what part of the world she's currently in and what her life is like. I'll wonder how long it will be before I finally meet her. Then I’ll get worried that she may be going through a particularly rough patch in her life and I’ll feel guilty that I’m not a part of it yet and thus am able to do nothing to comfort her. I hope the she’s a nice person. I hope that we can grow a love that will last the rest of our lives. I hope she’s the type of person who realizes that you can miss a person dearly before you’ve even gotten a chance to meet them.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015 08:16 PM
#23039 Spring break in Montana = boring as hell.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015 08:15 PM
#23038 Just a question. Why is it okay for those of a darker skin to say the n-word but extremely offensive of those who are white? I just think the word shouldn't be used at all. Not in conversation, not in music, and only in historical movies to show how wrong the n-word is.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015 06:32 PM
#23037 I need to stop being so nieve. Guys know how to sweet talk me into anything. I'm easy, but not because I'm super slutty and horny all the time, but because I am too damn nieve and have self esteem issues. I always assume people tell the truth, always want to see the good in people. So when a guy starts sweet talking I always believe him. He cannot possibly be like the last guy who started off the same way and used me for what he wanted and then ignored me. You would think I would learn. I am too used up I am desperate for love because of it.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015 05:40 PM
#23036 Passion killer, you're too much
You're the only one I wanna touch