Tuesday, 14 April 2015 02:42 PM
#23348 Crab people...
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 02:21 PM
#23347 Anyone else super annoyed at how easy it is for people to get their dogs registered as "service" dogs? I watched someone I personally know and grew up with walk in late with his dog and tell someone sitting on the edge seats to move. He didn't ask, he said that the edge seats are for people who need them. That jackass needs a dog about as much as the school needs more pay parking
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 01:26 PM
#23346 What's the best group to go to that isn't religious, isn't sports and isn't Greek, but has the most good-lookin' babes to talk to?
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 12:17 PM
#23345 I get super annoyed when people who think they are so fit completely use the rowing machines wrong. You might be toned but you sure are stupid about how to use something.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 12:07 PM
#23344 ....And IIIIII WILLLL ALLLWAYYYYs love Anna Wright!
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:18 AM
#23343 Is there such thing as a rodeo rave guy? Or am I looking for a unicorn?
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:17 AM
#23342 To the guy in the 12:15 Econ 101 with the black and white hat with a little red guy on it...you are doing good things and you are fine as hell.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 10:47 AM
#23341 to the girl with the "brown dog" at the park around 4-5 on monday. im sorry i didnt talk. i was at a loss of words with how pretty you were. -white dog