Monday, 20 April 2015 01:47 AM
#23404 I just had sex with a brazilian girl. Best experience ever!
Sunday, 19 April 2015 10:32 PM
#23403 Hope you guys in Roskie are ready to be woken up by the fire alarm at 4:20 AM the next few weeks.
It went off probably 6 times last year around 4/20
Sunday, 19 April 2015 04:27 PM
#23402 As both a Patriots fan and a Democrat, I think Hilary Clinton is the Bill Belichick of presidential candidates. She's been extremely successful throughout her career, but those scandals really make you doubt sometimes whether she is worth supporting.
Sunday, 19 April 2015 01:30 PM
#23401 I love going downtown with my friends but I always get so depressed afterwards because it reminds me how unatractive I am.
Sunday, 19 April 2015 01:04 PM
#23400 People seem to think that Hillary Clinton is the only woman running for president. Carly Fiorina is also a potential candidate who will announce her decision to run or not to run by mid-May. Let's compare the two. Hillary Clinton's work history, aside from supporting politicians, consists largely of summer jobs she did during her college years. Fiorina is a prominent business woman who once served as the CEO of Hewlett-Packard, helping to shape it into a top competitor amongst technology giants. She has held several other positions as well and displays a well rounded knowledge for technology and the pace by which it is advancing. In addition to business, she has also been heavily involved in politics, she just doesn't use that as a crutch. She also has clear plans for her potential presidency, such as simplifying and reforming the tax code. A code which recieves hundreds of changes every year and that the IRS itself has said it is becoming too complex for them to follow. Thus far, Fiorina has opposed same-sex marriage, which I disagree with, but nonetheless federal judges have deemed it unconstitutional in a number of states to bar same-sex marriage. This means she would have great difficulty turning that back over. That law is often left to the individual state in question, so Fiorina's stance really doesn't change much so long as the states in question don't turn into dicks, which is, again, a problem with the state. I'll take that complication any day over Hillary's incompetence, which was shown for the world to see during the Benghazi incident. That day an Ambassador's office was raided and the ambassador was killed along with a group of American soldiers. During the subsequent investigation, Hillary hampered the investigation by having an email server, housing thousands of emails, erased. She later claimed that the emails were only her and Bill talking... using her SECURE government email. Pretty sure the department of the state probably forbids the use of that email for personal purposes. Long story short, I'll happily take a business woman who has a few dated views over a candidate who has little experience outside of the political arena and is more interested in saving her own skin than assisting a federal investigation. However, as a feminist, I recognize that a person's validity for candidacy is not dependent on their sex. It is not "time for a lady president" it is "time for a competent leader who has an understanding of how the modern world works". Notice how I didn't use gender as a prerequisite there? There are a number of male candidates that appeal to me a lot more than both. Always research your candidates. The presence of certain genitalia is not a definitive means of finding someone's political worth.
Sunday, 19 April 2015 12:01 PM
#23399 Lil Wayne is the Bob Dylan of our generation!
Sunday, 19 April 2015 01:43 AM
#23398 When she's twice your age...
Saturday, 18 April 2015 07:46 PM
#23397 to whom ever found a smartcrusher grinder on the side of the road, would you by chance return it?