Wednesday, 29 April 2015 01:16 PM
#23557 Some of us in Bozeman are desperately trying to raise money for a family in Kathmandu, Nepal that lost their home in the earthquake. Originally we were raising money to help rebuild their home, but circumstances in Kathmandu have dramatically deteriorated in recent days. Now donations will go to simply helping this family and their neighbors survive. 100% of your donations will help them afford the clean water, food and medical supplies they desperately need. Please find it in your heart to help this effort. To learn more and contribute, please visit:
Wednesday, 29 April 2015 11:45 AM
#23539 To the guy in the dunk tank today, I would love to get drinks with you
Wednesday, 29 April 2015 10:36 AM
#23538 To the blonde girl in the pink dress around 11:30(Wednesday) in reid... you were totally nipping out. I could see everything. Thank you. I needed that today.
Wednesday, 29 April 2015 10:36 AM
#23537 I've got to work on smiling back at girls instead of giving rest bitch face. I'm so used to generally wanting to be left alone it's an automatic response. "Just scare them away." But more importantly: To the red-head with short hair in the Fountain Study Room, I fucked up. I should've said hi because your style is classy and fantastic. Another time, hopefully!
Wednesday, 29 April 2015 10:10 AM
#23536 There's this girl in CHMY 143, Abigail V. I think? Anyway, she's stunningly gorgeous. Just throwing that out there.
Wednesday, 29 April 2015 10:06 AM
#23535 through the two years of being here i've grown more thankful for the people I meet. Even through rough time like breakups and such just be thankful for all the happiness a person can give you and smile. Live every week like its shark week and be that awkward tina belcher you were suppose to be. Life is life shit happens and you are the only person who can make it better. Try going 24 hours without complaining and just be happy your living, you won't regret it.
Wednesday, 29 April 2015 09:28 AM
#23534 Historically, the state has been the worst persecutor of the Church. This is why I am a huge fan of separation of Church and state. So far as the government is concerned - we do not exist.
Wednesday, 29 April 2015 08:08 AM
#23533 To the TA Devlin in my American government class you are so damn sexy.