Monday, 04 May 2015 07:32 PM
#23612 If you stay with an abusive boyfriend because his fathers're going to have a bad time.
Monday, 04 May 2015 06:46 PM
#23611 I would prefer to not be called babe... ever.
Monday, 04 May 2015 06:33 PM
#23610 I believe in you!
Monday, 04 May 2015 06:32 PM
#23609 you can do it!
Monday, 04 May 2015 04:41 PM
#23608 Finding an empty milk carton on a toilet paper dispenser and an empty almond package next to the toilet is a pretty good picture description for finals week.
Monday, 04 May 2015 04:10 PM
#23607 replying to MSUC # 23588: if you are who i think you are.... You dont have to worry. you arent going to scare me away with anything... i love you and know things get tough sometimes. but im here by your side and i wont back down from what we have
Monday, 04 May 2015 04:08 PM
#23606 (in response to
#23587) it wasnt like i wanted to break up with you... i loved spending time with your family over the summer and loved getting to know everyone. i still think of you every single day and every day that goes by, is another day i know you are going the be the one that got away. i wish that i never did it, but all i can say now is that i still love you. you made me the happiest i have ever been and I miss you so dang much! it kills me inside knowing ill never see you again....
Monday, 04 May 2015 03:46 PM
#23605 Is there some reason people are incapable of collaborating on group projects? I swear, the only thing college taught me was how to hate working on group projects. Get your shit together people!