Thursday, 07 May 2015 09:49 AM
#23644 I saw someone commenting on the thing about a smoker complaining about fat people, and saying that not all fat people are unhealthy.
While a few fat people may not have health problems(yet), if you are very overweight or obese then you will start to get health problems if you don't get a handle of that, just like if a smoker smokes for a couple months and doesn't have any diseases from smoking, they'll eventually get some.
Thursday, 07 May 2015 02:09 AM
#23643 I have a lisp and it affects the way I interact with people. I'd rather sit in the corner and be quite then have people in my classes judge me for speech impediment
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 11:48 PM
#23642 I was gonna clean my room, but then I got high...was gonna get up and find the broom, but then I got room is still a mess and I know why...because I got high, because I got high, because I got hiiiiiigh
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 09:51 PM
#23641 All semester sitting in Calculus class trying to build up the gumption to talk to this super cute guy. I believe your name is Miles? I never caught your last name, but just know you're dreamy.
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 09:25 PM
#23640 As I sit here studying for my last final of my college career, I can't help but think I will miss this place. I'm not ready to grow up and get a job. Hell, I don't even know if I like the field I am going into anymore. Hopefully I am just burnt out from school. Anyone else questioning the major choice they made 4-5 years ago?
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 08:23 PM
#23639 Phillip Mango, you're in a confession now.
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 07:41 PM
#23638 Wow. When did it get all Degrassi up in here? Go take your whiny relationship drama away from here and confess something juicy. Every one has a hard enough time during finals week, don't make it worse with your BS.
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 07:16 PM
#23637 If a teacher of an 8 week class gave you a grade at the concluston of the class, and now is failing you, what would you do? I emailed her and she said she had inputted the higher grade incorrectly and she's sorry for the error. She still hasn't changed the grade online.