Sunday, 17 May 2015 04:35 PM
#23732 I met my RA today. I want to suck his dick. He just has that kind of face.
Sunday, 17 May 2015 08:21 AM
#23731 I dont really understand this fad where guys are obsessed with the idea of finding a girl with an ass the size of a wedding cake. I still love you petite women.
Sunday, 17 May 2015 07:50 AM
#23730 I was fortunate enough to some financial support from my parents while I was in college. What really bothers me is that when I graduated last Saturday, my parents tried to take a majority of the credit for this major accomplishment of mine. Yes, I understand that without them, I was be in major debt right now. They are not the ones that earned the scholarships, who spent the countless hours doing homework, who dealt with all the stress of group projects and exams. I am not trying to be selfish, but damn, let your child have their moment.
Sunday, 17 May 2015 12:50 AM
#23729 I absolutely loathe far-left politics.
Saturday, 16 May 2015 07:19 PM
#23728 Last summer, I was so depressed. I managed to pull myself out of it for the school year, but I'm dreading this summer because I'm so afraid that I'm going to fall back down again.
Saturday, 16 May 2015 04:05 PM
#23727 Doing it PhilMan style. (Phil)lip (Man)go
Saturday, 16 May 2015 09:19 AM
#23726 I'm sorry I keep clogging the toilets, but maybe the school should just buy some better toilet-paper already. That paper ain't taking no shit off nobody!
Saturday, 16 May 2015 05:18 AM
#23725 Near campus last night a car hit me while I was cycling then promptly drove away. Police have the car but no definite driver. I was victim
#2. If you hear ANYTHING about this please report it to the police. Bring us JUSTICE. Make them pay for our bikes and ER bills! Thank you. <3