Wednesday, 20 May 2015 07:17 PM
#23748 I am a loser. All I do is lift weights, drink, hike, and fish ALONE
Wednesday, 20 May 2015 12:13 PM
#23747 I'll be a senior this fall and my boyfriend is moving back to DC this summer for good. I really don't have any friends and I'm scared to be alone for a year in Montana.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015 11:15 PM
#23746 Had a moment tonight where I looked through messages I used to send to my high school sweetheart. We were so in love, well so I thought. I read "break up" facebook messages and cried over this boy I've barely thought about in 3 years. Looking back, I am beyond belief thankful we broke up. He brought me down all the time and because he barely believed in himself, he never believed in me nor loved me the way I deserve. Our disfunctional relationship motivated me to work so hard and somehow I ended up in this amazing place called Bozeman Montana. I dont know where this boy went or what he is doing. All I know is I am becoming someone greater and better without him and it feels damn good.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015 11:01 PM
#23745 The gender ratio at msu is terrible. Like, enough that prospective students should be warned about it. Everybody knows it and few will admit it for fear of being labelled a loser. Sincerely, "you're just mad cause you can't get laid."
Tuesday, 19 May 2015 03:06 PM
#23744 It not like don't not try very hard because I don't care but it's because I have tried many times and it has not work out ever.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015 07:48 AM
#23743 Is it wrong to start liking someone who is going to be your future roommate??
Monday, 18 May 2015 08:59 PM
#23742 So let's start with the fact that I'm On dialysis, and, usually don't feel good,but, I was feeling extra shitty on Thursday. Anyway, I show up to dialysis and they take my blood pressure and it's super high, like stroke high. They want me to go to the ER to get it down via IV meds. So they call the ambulance and the paramedic was an older guy named Ken. The EMT was super cute, but, he didn't have a name tag. The paramedic drove and the EMT rode in back with me. We got to talking and he said how much he admires my strength. I then mentioned wanting to 've a cop and he said, "One day you will be a cop and you'll pull me over and have to write me a ticket." Long story short, I really felt a connection with him and am super bummed I didn't get his number. If you're this EMT or know him, please comment on this last ditch effort!
Monday, 18 May 2015 02:55 PM
#23741 I used to think Phil Mango was Nick Cage. Turns out I'm wrong?!?