Sunday, 14 June 2015 08:14 AM
#23812 No bra no problem
Friday, 12 June 2015 11:05 AM
#23811 I had previously thought of woman on man rape as a joke. Thinking that typically a man could subdue a woman, in the case that he did not want sex, the concept didn't make sense to me. Two weeks ago, I ended up having sex with a girl, regardless of repeatedly stating that I did not want to participate. The level of our intoxication, and the pressure of the relationship that we were in at the time, led me to not physically resist, even when she made choices directly linking to a current pregnancy scare, now, two weeks later. Though the situation is incredibly unfair, I have committed to staying in the relationship if she is pregnant, but I have found myself wondering, if she is not pregnant, if I should even consider proceeding in our relationship. Any thoughts?
Thursday, 11 June 2015 10:12 AM
#23810 How is it a woman can say she wants a man who doesn't lie to her about anything, but then procides to cover her face in a pound of makeup.
Wednesday, 10 June 2015 08:42 PM
#23809 you know your friends are you friends when your always an asshole and they are your friends anyways
Wednesday, 10 June 2015 07:25 PM
#23808 I have a body like Marilyn Monroe and now a days it's just considered fat.
Tuesday, 09 June 2015 07:09 PM
#23807 I named my dick Pennywise. Girls be terrified. Maybe I should ditch the clown nose?
Tuesday, 09 June 2015 06:38 PM
#23806 I hate being 20. Its like, oh hey come downtown and drink with us. Buy oh yeah, I remember you can't. Have a nice night! Oh you dont have a fake? You dont wanna get one? Oh darn that sucks. Have a nice night! I'm sure going downtown is so amazing and swaggeraful butttttt Fuck youuu. You suck as friends and stuff like that.
Tuesday, 09 June 2015 06:10 PM
#23805 I wish twitter would stop sending me emails to follow stupid people I personably dont care about and oh this really important person you know down the street just picked the biggest booger and wiped it on a grasshopper when instead they should send me a quick demo on how to delete my twitter account.