Wednesday, 24 June 2015 10:23 PM
#23844 I finally got to experience boob sweat. Not pleasent or sexy. Dammit.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015 02:02 PM
#23843 So I told a girl on tinder that I was from Ceres, 2.77 astronomical units from the Sun, and she was too dumb to know where or what that meant. What is wrong with people these days? Does nobody pay attention to the news anymore?
Tuesday, 23 June 2015 11:53 PM
#23842 I just saw the wild Thornberry movie for the first time and there's a scene where I actually cried for the first time a long time . Major spoiler alert, there was a moment where a cheetah was given back to its mom and that she did was given love I didn't cry because I was an emotional scene I tried because I never had that as a kid. My mother was the type of person that always put money before us her wallet before what our needs. Just seeing that was enough to make me tear.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015 11:04 PM
#23841 I wish we could down vote comments like on yik yak. I would down vote the fuck out if every one of stupid ass memes that are completely off topic.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015 05:00 PM
#23840 Hey, the chiropracto, rick, the one near five guys is awesome and afordable!
Tuesday, 23 June 2015 07:30 AM
#23839 Sometimes I wish I was a man and my man was a girl so that I could buy him flowers and make special romantic date nights for the two of us. I just want him to think of something special without me having to ask all the time.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015 03:15 AM
#23838 Now with this controversy on the Confederate flag issue I feel like I have to say something : is the Confederate flag used by undesirable groups? Yes. Does it represent a checkered past? Yes. Should people have the right to own an display a flag like that no matter what others think? Unfortunately, I do. Don't get me wrong, the sight of a Nazi flag makes me want to cringe . Nevertheless , people have the right to own flags like that especially With issues regarding political positions or with heritages. Now I am I trying to downplay the image of the Confederate flag? Of course not . All I'm saying is if people want on that flag display that flight and treasure that flag they should be allowed to . I am descendent of Confederate officers who fought during the Civil War I ever night knowledge and from family records they were anti-slavery but they were pro-independence because they believed I am descendent of Confederate officers who fought during the Civil War And to my knowledge and from family records they were anti-slavery but they were pro-independence because they believed in states and individual rights. As a person who also believes in individual and personal rights as well as supporting grandstand wished in the Constitution by our founding fathers I will defend people owning those flags despite what others think. Peace .
Monday, 22 June 2015 10:33 PM
#23837 Society makes it seem like it's terrible to like or date girls who aren't skinny or athletically built. I'm in love with a very curvy somewhat big girl. And half the time I feel it's wrong that I do because of that and people around me. I'm not sure what to do. I feel like I'll be looked down upon for being with someone big