Saturday, 21 October 2017 05:17 PM
#25421 When you have to poo at the same time during the same class everyday...
Friday, 20 October 2017 10:27 AM
#25420 My roommate has slowly declined over recent months, he stopped cleaning his room about a year ago, and has since stopped showering regularly. He's now talking to himself and will carry on full conversations with himself while other people are in the same room. He keeps saying that the reason he doesn't actually accomplish anything is that it's "too easy". Is this depression or is this something else? Any resources I can get him?
Friday, 20 October 2017 12:27 AM
#25419 I feel our campus is losing true human connection. I feel a good portion of our faculty doesn't at all care about bettering our educations or futures. I want to learn and grow with all of you and be a part of something beautiful. Does anybody feel the same? Can we find a way to make our college a happy, fair, organized facility where we learn positively in the classroom and also gain useful experiences, all of this by us students coming together to transcend through all of the obstacles that the current system has created for us?
Thursday, 19 October 2017 11:54 PM
#25418 Having a crush on someone you work with is the worst, and I'm 90% sure i'm not supposed to date her if I'm the manager
Thursday, 19 October 2017 11:40 PM
#25417 I have a huge crush on one of the volleyball players and I don't know if she's single or not
Thursday, 19 October 2017 10:59 PM
#25416 If a lady is giving me body language signals that are extremely suggestive in nature, and if I respond with a suggestive hand signal back, what possible reactions might I receive back from her. A guy asking for research purposes.
Sunday, 09 April 2017 03:52 PM
#25415 If you flirt with people and they always reject is it cause you're bad at flirting or because you are fucking ugly?
Sunday, 26 February 2017 07:30 PM
#25414 To the girl i took home from the bar last friday. What was your name? And did you take my god damn sweatshirt after a one night stand? WTF?