Friday, 15 April 2016 02:48 PM
Sometimes you really like a guy , then realizes he views you more as a friend. Story of my life :(
Wednesday, 13 April 2016 01:18 PM
When no one at CUW has been in the sun for awhile and then Student Gov elections begin to heat up lol
Tuesday, 12 April 2016 09:12 PM
Comparing incoming transfers and people on the waitlist, who has the better chance of getting Coburg/ Regents (single)?
Monday, 11 April 2016 08:57 PM
I know that it may be late, but I am new to CUW. I will be deciding the 24th whether I will be attending CUW or not. I am a transfer student whose a junior wanting to room in Coburg after having two horrible roommate problems. I am a business major, die-hard fan of the Brewers and love Ryan Braun, and want to make friends. If these people are you. Like/comment, and I will message you if housing is still possible. :)
Sunday, 10 April 2016 10:13 PM
WHYY did Rez life decide to dump a bunch of freshman in Coburg BEFORE room selection day?! Like coburg is supposed to be an upperclassman dorm. Concordia needs to redo their priorities
Sunday, 10 April 2016 10:52 AM
How LGBTQ and liberal is this campus? Is the majority of the campus Conservative?
Saturday, 09 April 2016 09:15 PM
Sometimes those dudes who act too smooth or too cool...are usually the ones to beware of...
Saturday, 09 April 2016 08:43 PM
if you're really interested in her , you won't be waiting at least a week to reply. Boy, you better send her a text before she sets her eyes on another dude ....