Sunday, 22 February 2015 06:17 PM
I just ran out of Diet Coke and this is an all Pepsi campus, fml..............
Sunday, 22 February 2015 02:33 PM
I could never be a history major at CUW. 1.) It's horrid. 2.) Multiple Hogan classes??? Pass!!!
Saturday, 21 February 2015 11:20 PM
So I like this guy, but one he doesn't know it. Two he is half black. My parents and grandparents are kinda racist. Just where and how they were brought up. But I'm afraid if I were to date this guy they would not approve.
Friday, 20 February 2015 07:20 PM
I would just like to confess my love for booty. Pillow butts are nice but not the ones that look like cottage cheese... cottage cheese butts are gross. Just thought you people should know. Have a pleasant day.
Friday, 20 February 2015 05:16 PM
Being here was a dream and when that was succeeded I was happy. Having people caring for you is a blessing. Then your priorities changes and life demands more than you can hold on. All changes from seeing beautiful rainbow to hardened cold. Not to take life as granted when you see strength loaded in you, I suggest don't use it all. Save it for the storm. May you all have a peaceful night.
Friday, 20 February 2015 05:29 AM
I just love that feeling when I wake up on Friday (2/20) and read my email only to see one email that school has NOT closed as if we needed a slap in the face for even thinking about not having school.
CUW: Ruining student's hopes and dreams already at 6:30 AM
P.S.: Take a hint CUW, its cold.
Thursday, 19 February 2015 08:03 PM
I like bigger guys ;)
Thursday, 19 February 2015 07:57 PM
I feel like all people do on this page is complain, then people complain about people complaining then people complain about people complaining about people complaining.