Monday, 02 March 2015 02:45 PM
Dong my report on why marijuana should be legalized. Not even ashamed because marijuana doesn't cause violence, no one has died from it, and it makes people chill.
Monday, 02 March 2015 02:43 PM
The Landing plays such crappy music. We should have music that we like to listen to, not the workers.
Monday, 02 March 2015 09:45 AM
It's my duty to please that booty~
Monday, 02 March 2015 07:33 AM
My boyfriend broke up with me so I pooped in the trunk of his car, he never uses his trunk so have fun wondering why ur car smells like feces.
Sunday, 01 March 2015 10:38 PM
The dude that wears spurs, you fucking rock man. Keep on keepin on
Sunday, 01 March 2015 09:42 PM
Whoever in Wittenburg shouts "son of a bitch" I know this is really weird but every time I go to Wittenburg and hear you say that, I wanna know who's voice it is... So hit me up ;)
Sunday, 01 March 2015 06:48 PM
Mystery blonde in Witt this Saturday you are a godess
Sunday, 01 March 2015 06:29 PM
Jurczuk you are a lucky man