Wednesday, 08 April 2015 11:48 PM
Wednesday, 08 April 2015 10:28 PM
Welcome to CUW where everyone judges books by the cover...
Wednesday, 08 April 2015 09:43 PM
You can't hide from America's Navy. Or its ad campaign.
Wednesday, 08 April 2015 06:47 PM
Take you stoned life else where. Your ugly pug like boyfriend doesn't go here & you can keep my name out of your mouth! :)
Wednesday, 08 April 2015 03:26 AM
Sarah S is so pretty, I wish she'd look at me instead of through me.
Tuesday, 07 April 2015 08:34 PM
I wish there were decent men at this school and I wish the women were less trashy and respected themselves more. All people go after at this school is a pretty face, skinny and tan and open 24/7. This school is packed full of judgment, pressure to be people we aren't, and people who only look at status and for 10's. Just because someone isn't an athlete, make-up covered, skinny or willing to get in the bedroom to have a good time....doesn't mean you need to treat them like crap or treat them any different. Grow up CUW.
Tuesday, 07 April 2015 01:43 PM
Jessica B is a freaking goddess
Sunday, 05 April 2015 02:49 PM
Okay, I have been working my butt all semester. I have great grades. I am in online grad school at CUW. Last year, the instructor said the week before Easter, since the school is closed we will not have homework due. This year, we still have 9 weeks scheduled out in portal when it is a 8 week course. All of my other classes give a 8 week window. But no Easter break for us this year. I really needed a break!