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Augustana Stats

Total Confessions: 3488
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
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Thursday, 10 October 2013 08:26 PM

I wonder how many times it will take the zetas being spoon fed homecoming victories unfairly for people to stop sorry for them...
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Thursday, 10 October 2013 08:23 PM

Ever notice how many typos there are in the giant OSL calendars? Now you do.
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Thursday, 10 October 2013 06:38 PM

Whenever I go to any themed parties maybe like ten other people really dress up, and it's lame to be the one dressed up and looking out of place. Come on guys, have some fun and get creative!
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Thursday, 10 October 2013 06:29 PM

Krista Ribando you are such a sweetheart, I can't believe you don't see just how amazing you are (but I also think that's part of your charm, is that you're incredibly down to earth). I wish I had known you sooner and I am sad you're leaving after this term. I look up to you and admire your work ethic, I've never met someone so driven or smart or beautiful before in my life. Never change, because you're amazing. God made you for a reason, the world needs more of you! You're also totally my girl crush!
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Thursday, 10 October 2013 05:56 PM

Any wild women dtf?
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Thursday, 10 October 2013 05:47 PM

Now that Emerge is over, is it acceptable to confess your love to your leader? Because mine was pretty much one of the best people I have ever met.
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Thursday, 10 October 2013 05:35 PM

I don't understand why the off campus parties are so lame? I always have to go to the district or head over the iowa side...even some of my friends who go to Ambrose have better parties over there...I just got paid $500 and it sucks I can't get to a house party or some shit...
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Thursday, 10 October 2013 05:03 PM

So, I used to really enjoy and religiously check this page for both its funny/witty/interesting/amusing confessions, and for the replies people would post. Recently though, I've noticed more and more how much harsher people's comments on a post have been.

Seriously, it's an anonymous confessions page for a reason. Back the fuck off. If some dude ANONYMOUSLY CONFESSES his crush or admiration of someone, he did it for a reason. Let him be. Don't post calling him a spineless pussy, don't comment on how he should take some sort of action or shut up. Don't mock him. (Or her. Obviously not exclusive to guys' posts.)

Encourage the person, damnit. If you're going to tell them to do something about it, think of how you word it. Maybe, oh, I don't know, instead of "well good thing she'll never know how you feel because you're hiding behind a computer screen" try something like "Hey man, go for it! Worst case scenario is that she knows someone likes her!"

That's all. If they wanted to tell the other person how they felt, than invent a damn "Augustana non Anonymous Confessions" page. On this page though, let people say whatever they feel comfortable with, please.

Thanks. Rant over.
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Augustana Stats

Total Confessions: 3488
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 1

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