Monday, 14 October 2013 01:38 AM
Whenever I eat out a girl I spell things out to keep myself entertained.
Monday, 14 October 2013 12:36 AM
I apologize to those who have felt the wrath of my word vomit. I probaby meant it, but I should not have said it.
Monday, 14 October 2013 12:06 AM
I want to lose weight by doing lifting but there are never any girls in the weight room in PepsiCo.. So I'm too self-conscious to go in there by myself. Guess I'm sticking to cardio :/
Sunday, 13 October 2013 11:17 PM
My Name is Tim Durning and am a freshman on campus, I know this is an anonymous confession page but I am actually writing something just because this is the only way I can get the whole campus to see it. Recently I stumbled upon the original transformers animated movie from 1995! I saw this movie a million times as a kid and need to watch it again. the only problem is its a VHS. if anyone on this campus has a vhs player I can watch it on, I will pay you back. I don't have money but what I do have Is a priceless artifact you can watch with me and a large amount of love and affection to give. I will provide popcorn and snacks
Sunday, 13 October 2013 08:52 PM
So...about Halloween! Since Halloween is on a Thursday, do people go out Thursday night or are there costume parties over the weekend? This is a serious question and could save me a lot of embarrassment! I already got my costume:p
Sunday, 13 October 2013 06:09 PM
To the Nick that opened the door for me and then introduced himself at the top of the stairs on fourth floor at the library on Sunday, you seem like a very nice guy and I regret not inviting you to study with me. Hopefully I can run into you again and actually tell you this in person.
Sunday, 13 October 2013 03:24 PM
I really just want to get laid. I want to go wild and make out with someone to have a one night stand and let it all go.
Sunday, 13 October 2013 12:38 PM
To the girls that put Vaseline on the door handles last night, Thank You. It's been too long since a group of women polished my knob.