Tuesday, 14 January 2014 06:47 PM
My mom killed herself this morning, it's not really a confession but it's certainly on my mind
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 06:07 PM
I'm a freshman and I'm highly considering transferring for my sophomore year for academic and social reasons. Augie just has not been much fun for me so far. When I come back home, I run into other current Augie students and graduates and nearly every person I have talked to has told me that they wanted to transfer during their first few years and ended up loving their experience. I really want to change, but I don't really want to give up yet. Has anyone else felt this way?
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 04:58 PM
Where did the cute neuroscience tutor go? I have looked for her all over, I thought maybe it was because I had a different schedule, but I haven't seen her at all! Where are you beautiful girl?!
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 03:36 PM
Any ideas for seducing a professor? Not to get any special treatment academically. Just good ol' infatuation.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 03:14 PM
And augie still smells like dog food...
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 03:04 PM
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Not all poems rhyme
I hate stats
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 02:13 PM
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 10:37 AM
The subject I want to major in is becoming too hard and I want to drop it, but it's really the only thing I'm any good at.