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1.  MontanaState  -  26606
2.  Purdue  -  26357
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Augustana Stats

Total Confessions: 3488
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 1

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Thursday, 05 September 2013 04:21 PM

Everytime I walk by what used to be Freshens I die a little inside. WHY did they have to take it away?! I miss my daily peach sunrise with pineapple :'(
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Thursday, 05 September 2013 04:17 PM

Whenever I see a woman give her number to a guy after having been asked for it, I sometimes think that she only does so because she is afraid to reject the guy's advances in person. Instead, she just ignores his calls/texts.
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Thursday, 05 September 2013 03:19 PM

There's such a small number of gay guys here... Either that, or I'm just too horny all the time
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Thursday, 05 September 2013 02:35 PM

You're welcome.
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Thursday, 05 September 2013 02:33 PM

Why do people always say women's lacrosse is such a gay sport? Im a men's soccer player and watched them go to the NCAA Sweet Sixteen last year. Instead of downing them, you should be cheering them on because they're one of the best teams at this school. Keep it laxy ladies! ;) you guys are hot too.
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Thursday, 05 September 2013 12:51 PM

I am one of those barefoot people on campus and honestly since I've started going barefoot I feel much better than I have in the last few months while wearing shoes. Going barefoot is actually more natural and is better for your body and your posture than wearing shoes.
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Thursday, 05 September 2013 12:29 PM

I'm obsessed with "We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus... I just can't stop.
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Thursday, 05 September 2013 11:01 AM

The lacrosse players are some of the coolest people on campus. Always great to hang out with them
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Augustana Stats

Total Confessions: 3488
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 1

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